The gloomy night٭

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My dad had sold me to the mafia's sons in hopes of loosing his debt to the country.


Y/N Point Of View

It was a gloomy night, the car ride home was silent on both ends with xiaver focusing on the road and xian on his phone.

After what felt like an eternity, I raised my gaze, gathering the little courage left within me. My voice trembled as I uttered the words, barely audible in the heavy silence of the car.

"Did you say something?" Xiaver spoke, breaking the suffocating silence. I quickly shook my head, a cold sweat breaking out on my forehead, afraid of what might come next, fearing the worst.

Xiaver turned his head back, paying me no mind as he raced down the crowded street, dodging cars to get to Xian's house at a quicker pace. Each swerve and jolt sent my heart pounding against my ribs, the streetlights blurring into streaks of light as we sped past.
A heavy silence settled over us once more, broken only by the sound of tires against asphalt. With every passing moment, the knot in my stomach tightened, and the reality of my situation sank in deeper. There was no turning back now.I was lost in thought when the car suddenly came to a halt.

"We're here," Xiaver said, his voice snapping me back to reality. He glanced at Xian, a silent communication passing between them."Bye, bro," Xian said, his tone casual as he swung open the car door and stepped out onto the pavement.The door slammed shut behind him, leaving me alone with Xiaver in the suffocating silence of the car.
As Xiaver led the way towards the looming mansion, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me beyond its imposing doors. But one thing was certain: I was about to embark on a journey into the unknown, with no turning back.
After a moment that felt like an eternity, Xiaver finally broke the silence.
"Get back in the car," he instructed, his voice cutting through the night air.With a sense of trepidation, I obeyed, sliding back into the familiar confines of the car. The engine roared to life, and we were once again hurtling down the deserted streets, the city lights blurring into streaks of color as we sped past.

As xiaver sped through the night the car moving effortlessly across the ground, i glanced at him ever so slighty  he looked expressionless and cold in the glare of the street lights.
The trip seeming never ending as one street just led to another,and what felt like hours mere minutes.

Lost in thought, I barely noticed when the car finally slowed to a stop, bringing us to our destination. The imposing silhouette of the mansion loomed ahead, its darkened windows like eyes peering into my soul.Xiaver turned to me, his gaze piercing through the darkness. "We're here," he said, his voice devoid of emotion.With a sense of dread pooling in the pit of my stomach, I stepped out of the car and followed Xiaver towards the mansion, each step bringing me closer to the truth I feared to uncover.


I stepped out of the car, the cool night air hitting me like a splash of cold water

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I stepped out of the car, the cool night air hitting me like a splash of cold water. Xiaver walked ahead, his silhouette barely visible against the dark backdrop of the mansion.

I followed him, my footsteps hesitant, my mind racing with fear and uncertainty.Inside, the mansion was just as imposing. The grand foyer was dimly lit, shadows dancing across the high ceilings and ornate decorations.
The air was thick with an unsettling silence, broken only by the distant ticking of a grandfather clock.Xiaver led me down a long hallway, his stride purposeful.
I struggled to keep up, my eyes darting around, taking in the opulence and the cold, impersonal beauty of the place. Every corner seemed to hold a secret, every shadow a hidden threat.

Finally, we reached a set of massive double doors. Xiaver paused, turning to look at me with an inscrutable expression.“This is where you’ll be staying,” he said, his voice echoing slightly in the corridor. He pushed open the doors, revealing a large, lavishly furnished bedroom. The bed was enormous, covered in plush blankets and pillows, but it offered no comfort.I stepped inside, the room swallowing me whole. Xiaver lingered in the doorway for a moment, then turned to leave.“Wait,” I called out, my voice trembling.

“What’s going to happen to me?”He paused, but didn’t turn around. “Just stay here and don’t cause any trouble,” he said, his tone flat. “You’ll be safe as long as you follow the rules.”With that, he closed the doors, leaving me alone in the vast, silent room. I sank onto the edge of the bed, feeling a wave of helplessness wash over me. My father’s betrayal, the cold indifference of Xiaver and Xian, and the looming uncertainty of my future all weighed heavily on my mind.As I sat there, staring at the closed doors, I knew that my life had irrevocably changed. The mansion, with all its grandeur and opulence, felt like a gilded cage, trapping me in a nightmare from which I couldn’t wake.



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Yn bedroom____________________________________

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Yn bedroom

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