Unfamiliar Welcomes٭

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Xiaver Point Of View

After showing (name) to her new room, I hurried to mine, ignoring the servants' persistent questions about dinner."Sir, what would you like to have for dinner?" they asked again and again, their pleas falling on deaf ears as I could care less.I reached my room and quickly switched on the shower, undressing in a hurry. I tried to wash away the thoughts of (name), but her soft body and soothing voice kept playing in my mind.



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Xiaver bedroom, bathroom and closet____________________________________

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Xiaver bedroom, bathroom and closet

3rd Person Point of View of Yn

As she watched through the window, the creaking of the door made her jump slightly. She turned to see a maid in a black and white uniform. "Hello, miss," the servant said briskly. "Prepare for dinner." With that, they quickly left, slamming the door in the process.The abruptness of the encounter left (name) feeling even more isolated in her new surroundings. She couldn't shake off the feeling of being an outsider in this grand estate, where even the servants seemed to regard her with a mixture of curiosity and indifference. With a heavy sigh, she resigned herself to the solitary meal ahead, hoping that eventually, she would find her place in this unfamiliar world.

After the maid left, (name) hurried to her bathroom to get dressed. Just as she was about to step into the bath, she realized she had no clothes or familiar hygiene products.In a panic, she called out to a passing maid for help. The maid quickly entered the room, asking, "Yes, ma'am? What do you need?""Could you please get me a dress?" (name) asked urgently."No problem, miss," the maid assured her.A few minutes later, the maid returned with three dress options. (name) chose one quickly and thanked the maid as she helped her get ready. With the essentials gathered, (name) felt relieved and ready for the evening ahead."Thank you so much," (name) said gratefully as she headed to the dining area, feeling grateful for the maid's assistance and looking forward to the dinner ahead.

The dresses and yn hairstyle

____________________________________ The dresses and yn hairstyle

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3rd pov for xiaver

Meanwhile, Xavier relaxed in his bath, enjoying the warmth and tranquility. Suddenly, a maid entered, looking uneasy."Sir, there's a dinner scheduled with Miss YN tonight," she said hesitantly.Xavier, eyes closed, dismissed her with a wave. "Cancel it. I'm not interested."The maid hesitated. "Miss YN has already been told and is getting ready.

3rd Person Point Of View ( YN)

Dressed in the elegant dress provided by the maid, (name) made her way to the dining area. The fabric swirled around her legs as she walked, feeling grateful for the maid’s help.As she approached the grand dining room, the aroma of a delicious meal greeted her senses. However, when she stepped inside, she was surprised to find the room empty.The grand table was set with fine china and sparkling silverware, but no one was there. Only the soft crackling of the fireplace broke the silence. Feeling confused and slightly disappointed, (name) took a seat, wondering if she had the wrong time or place.After waiting for a few moments and realizing no one was coming, (name) decided to make the best of it. She served herself, appreciating the carefully prepared dishes. Despite the solitude, she resolved to enjoy her meal and the peaceful atmosphere, hopeful that tomorrow would bring more answers and a sense of belonging.


The Dining Room____________________________________

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The Dining Room

After that delicious meal, (name) decided to go back upstairs. However, she soon found herself lost, like a boat at sea.She wandered through the dimly lit hallways, trying to find a maid or maybe even a cook, but found no one. "How strange," she thought to herself as she climbed a set of stairs without knowing where they led.

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