Unexpected love٭

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3rd Person Point Of view(Yn)

Convinced she had found her room, she slowly pushed the door open, only to be met with Xavier's cold gaze.
Her cheeks flushed as she realized Xavier had nothing on but a mere towel. Trying to turn away and leave, she felt a strong grip on her waist.

Xiaver Point of View

I was in the middle of changing when I heard the door creak open. At first, I assumed it was a maid bringing tonight's dinner to me, as usual.
My head spun when I turned to see my beloved (name) standing in the doorway, her face flushed with embarrassment.As she tried to leave, my hands instinctively gripped her waist.Our eyes locked onto each other as I gazed into her (eye color) eyes. I couldn't help but kiss her soft, plump lips.Not expecting a kiss back, I tried to pull away, regretting my mistake, until she passionately kissed back. A fierce hunger took over our light kissing, transforming what began as innocent into lustful kisses filled with desire and passion.
After a few minutes of the heated make-out session, I slowly picked her up and placed her on my bed.

My slowly takes of her dress.Mouth slowly travelling from her soft lips to her  right boob cupping her left in the process.
" mmhhmm" she moaned pleasure overflowing her body. "  Xiaver wait " she gasped out fraid of what may come from this interaction.
"whats wrong" I asked softly thinking i went too far.
" I.....i'm not ready for this" she stammered out . I let out a quick sigh trying best to keep my composure as a i spoke " Ok" i said coldly " I understand.

Yn Point Of View

Relief spread over my mind as i hurried to the door, frantically looking for an escape from this hell. Just to be met with nothing but endless doors, I open what seemed like a somewhat large door only to be met with large nevrending  shelves of books


Sighing to myself i hurried inside locking the door behind me. Deciding this would be my place of retirement for the night.

As i wondered through the Library i couldnt help but notice a  small portrait of a beautiful woman

As i wondered through the Library i couldnt help but notice a  small portrait of a beautiful woman____________________________________

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As (name) was about to turn away from the small portrait when my  curiosity got the best of me.
I ended up with a gold box in hand it held love letters addressed from
Serenity to Xaiver.
Heart sanking as my brain registered what I was seeing.

"It was Xiaver's miatress"

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