The Sit Down

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They've had me in this grey dull interrogation room for almost two hours. I've forced myself to wait patiently because I know I didn't kill anyone but I know they think I had something to do with it. I chuckle to myself because I've figured for a while now as my fame grew that something of this nature was going to happen eventually. I just didn't think it would be a full blown murder case. But I will see where this ride takes me. "Born on the Big Island of Hawaii, father unknown, flighty mother into Broadway, all of your books award winning, one series in talks of becoming a film or two, IQ of top tier genius level, sealed juvi record, and your childhood hmm, that little that is included on a basic BC is dark enough to make a person at least have thoughts of murder," Detective Cordova finally enters this box saying as he takes a seat across from me with his Cuban partner by the door. I laugh a deep belly laugh with tears almost falling and say, "Please do more investigation than you clearly have in the past two hours I have been sitting here. I have been on a book signing tour for a month, at home no longer than three days at a time. Simply because my Agent is my recent ex and he is a dick. And every movement I've made can be tracked with either my car or security system at my penthouse." I finished the statement with more acid in my tone than I thought. But his attitude rubbed me wrong for a split second. He thinks that not only am I a spoiled rich air head but apparently a killer as well.
Cordova gives me a go to hell look and says, "Yeah, well as you may know those things have red tape around them and we just cleared that tape. So yes we are now looking through those things to see what you have been up to for three weeks. Because double murder doesn't look good on you." I shrug to show that I don't care and I'm not interested. "But if you are telling the truth and you didn't do it then you do know what that means right," Cordova's partner asks. My mind starts running as fast as light. " you're telling me that is some sicko out there in New York killing people because of me," I ask in a trembling voice. Hoping I was as far from the truth as possible. The door bursts open and in comes the second detective that was with Detective Sexy earlier. "Actually Ms. Kailua, the sicko is replaying your murder scenes from your books. I'm Detective Robert Fields by the way," he says in a hurry. I am stunned into complete silence. How could a fan become so obsessed to do this. "What in the hell are you talking about Fields," Cordova asks pissed that he wasn't addressed first probably. "Well, while running her name, I went down the rabbit hole on her work. And both scenes are from the first book in her last series that is getting turned into a book, hopefully," he says for my benefit. I give a hopefully thankful smile through my utter shock. Cordova grunts and says, "Well how do we know she didn't put the person up to this for her?" I let out a dramatic sigh as Detective Fields says, "Well boss, I wouldn't be a good cop if I didn't run that line of thought down as well. I had IT do an in-depth cyber search on all her electronics. Nothing related in any way except a few strange murder novelist google searches." "Well, Ms. Kailua it looks like one of your die hard fans has taken things too far to get you to notice them," Detective Cordova says with a 'Oh for fucks sake' look on his face.
I hold an inappropriate laugh back and say, "Well, it looks like you need my help in stopping this nut job." That got a chuckle out of Cordova. "You are just a rich civilian. We are detectives, I think we can handle it," he says in a dick tone. Before my lava hot retort came the damn door opens again and in walks the woman clearly in charge. She had to be the captain or something with the amount of power coming off her. "Actually Detective Inzo, Ms. Kailua will be helping. The Mayor is a very close friend of hers and when he saw the blogs posting about her being taken into custody he called me and told me he knew she was innocent and that she is to help with the case.' She turns to look at me and says, "Yes, Ms. Kailua, that was a direct order from the Mayor to you. He spoke of your mental....agility and knew you'd solve this." I've been friends with Carl, the Mayor for three years, since I caught on to the thief at a ball he was holding at his Silk Row mansion. But this is the first time he gave me an order as the Mayor. So I guess this is very serious. "And yes Detective, I have the wavers for her to sign," the captain says pointedly at Inzo. A sexy first name to go with the sexy asshole God himself.
"Sorry for the lack of introduction, I am Captain Cindy Tomas. Having these three around is like raising three toddlers all over again most days," Captain Tomas says focusing back on me handing me paperwork. "I do not agree with this consult because you have no experience in the field. But if Mayor Carl wants it I have to go along with it. But do me a favor, don't break a nail and run crying to your buddy, the Mayor," she tacks on with a barely there hint of snark. So the myth of cops not liking or accepting outsiders or civilian help is true. I guess I will have to prove myself to them. But a little fun stressing them out first will be extraordinarily fun. I read her in an instant. She is definitely a cops cop. She is tough and well spoken, deserving of her position. But something tells me she will do what is needed to bring justice to all her victims.
"Sir, you will have to get the FBI to run a background on me to know more about me, unless you wanna save time and just ask. But here is a cliff note version. My childhood is unspeakable, I will not go into detail about it or my personal experiences, that you will have to get from the suits, and even then it wouldn't cover the half of it. But due to that and living on the islands, I am well trained in several mixed martial arts. And yes I took a gun safety class so if the need should arise...,' Tomas has a 'Yeah, sure,' look on her face but still says, "That is hugely comforting to know, and to be able to fact check some of those things for added comfort. I'm sure you would like to have your lawyer look at those before you sign them. I need them back on my desk my tomorrow at noon." This fucking cop snark is going to grate on my last nerve if I let it. And it would had I not taken anger management classes. "I have an IQ higher than either of my lawyers and I graduated Harvard Law for fun in a year and a half. I think I am more than able to read and sign wavers," I say with the same snark and a little venom. She glares at me from several seconds before giving a nod and exits. "Wowww, you have to be trained in something to stand toe to toe with her. Even Inzo has a time with that," Detective Robert says with awe. He is clearly the one on the team that gets most of the jabs and name calling. I see it as kind and endearing but I know his male colleagues see it as soft.
    "I demand and deserve the same basic human respect as she does. All of you may think I was born with a silver spoon or come from money, but please do a deeper background check on me before making assumptions," I say with my head held high and eyes trained on Detective Ass (Inzo). He rolls his eyes in the most masculine way I have ever seen and says, "I have a meeting with my CO and these two nitwits have, apparently a deeper back ground to run on you, as well as other leads. And since you have to read those thoroughly and sign them before joining us. Go home get the paperwork done and be back here at 7a.m. Sharp. If you're late the Mayor will just have to deal with his buddy working from the sidelines." He says it like he knows I can't be up and coherent at that time of the morning. He really has no clue of the type of person I am or how true writers are. I simply nod and turn to leave but because I can't help it I turn back and say, "You have to be a SEAL. With the way you carry yourself and your attitude and outlook, it screams it. Rank?" His brief flash of shock may have gone un-noticed by his buddy's but with my brain, never. "Lt. Commander US Navy," he says gruffly. Should have known someone like him was high rank. He looks like a God and I'm sure he can destroy a person like won as well.

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