The fall of Kaub

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Kaub is an  map taking place in the city of , in the Rhineland-Palatinate (formerly Bavaria, modern Germany) and directly adjacent to Pfalzgrafenstein Castle

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Kaub is an map taking place in the city of , in the Rhineland-Palatinate (formerly Bavaria, modern Germany) and directly adjacent to Pfalzgrafenstein Castle. It takes place in December 1813/January 1814, at night.

Part 1

Me and the rest of guards left the castle in the morning,Field Marshall Blucher was accompanying us. Everyone were quiet-we all stopped talking about the week ago. We all fell into some kind of depression.The virus wiped out the entire Kaub in just a week,and those who survived got locked down in the castle.I was lucky to survive,but we all felt that our death is close...



We all stopped as we noticed a group of people down the road.


-I tough we locked up everyone remaining...

-Hello!? Who are you?

They started approaching us,Blucher terrified of the plague,trying not get infected told us to raise our weapons.He told them to stop..but they did not react at all. When they were about 5 meters away from us we were ordered to shoot.We all didn't want to,but had to.We aimed for the legs because we did not want to kill them.

As i was reloading my pistol the now dead corpse of the unknown civilians started moving again.
We all started looking at them in shock ...W-what was happening?
Suddenly out of nowhere more of them came out,just then we noticed their bodies were rotten and their limbs were falling off...We immediate started shooting but it didn't do much impact on them.We immediately started running back to castle.

As we were running through the streets an infected jumped on me, it took me seconds to realize it was Karl...?
Our mate,great friend of Blucher was trying me?
Blucher who was beside me shot him in the head.We didn't even notice that the rest of our team got overwhelmed.We turned look at them and we both agreed it is the best to make a run for it.We managed to pick up a injured Sapper and we took him with us.We stopped at the bridge.We closed the gate and me and Johann began to reinforce the gates,knowing that whatever killed our friends,will try to kill us too.

Terrified Blucher:

-The undead have risen...

Blucher begin coughing heavily,and vomiting.



-You...You have been bitten...   

End of part 1

(part 2 will contain the in game events)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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