👠 Chap 4 👠

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(y/n) woke up feeling dizzy she only remembered bits of what felt like hours ago, she found her self in another forest.

(Y/n): What the fuck was that!? And where am I?

She looked around she was on a cut trunk of a tree she looked like food on a plate, ready to be eaten. She stood up and started walking straight from where she was originally soon she found a town, some just ignored her since she didn't stand out that much since she was wearing  peasant clothing (the same from Snow White) but other stared at her wondering what was a new pretty face in town. She looked around trying to figure out where she was, suddenly she bumped into a guy, she fell to the ground.

???: Hey! Watch where you are going bitch!

The guy yelled at now angry (Y/n)

(Y/n): Who the fuck are you to call me a bitch, pear looking ass brat

???: What did you just call me? You need to learn some manners you whor-

Suddenly a deep voice made entrance to the conversation

???: Enough Drizello, leave the girl enough, right now you are making a fool of yourself and the family

The guy looked like he was 40-50, not gonna lie was kinda hot, but (y/n) couldn't think of that right now, she had to figure out who these people were even tho it's kinda obvious (average y/n tbh)

Drizello: But father she insulted me!

???: I said enough, are you okay miss?

The man turned to (y/n) and offered his cane to help her up, she grabbed it and stood up

Yes, thank you-

She waited for him to introduce himself

???: Mr. Tremaine, I'm Mr. Tremaine the head of the family Tremaine, and you are? Pardon  me but I have never seen you here before, are you perhaps a visitor?

(Y/n): I'm (Y/n) and I am sort of a visitor, I was on my way to visit some family that's 3 towns away from this one, It's going to be sunset sun and I really don't have anywhere to stay, Mr. Tremaine would you consider having me stay at your home this night?

She lied the part where she was visiting family, but she was telling the truth when she mentioned she didn't have anywhere to stay

Mr. Tremaine: Well — he looked at (y/n) up and down— sure I have no problem — he then called another name and then a red headed boy came as fast as he could to where his father was

Anthony: Yes father- — he looked at (y/n) and gave her a big smile— Wow, you are very pretty-

Mr. Tremaine: This is lady (y/n) she will be staying with us this night

Anthony: Can she stay forever?

Drizello: The fuck not-

Anthony: Shut up Drizello no one is talking to you right now — he said angrily

Mr. Tremaine: We should get going before it becomes night — he started walking and his two sons followed still arguing, (y/n) also followed but she stayed behind them

(Y/n)'s mind: I've just realized these men look like characters from Cinderella (I <3 making my y/n stupid) but genderbend why are they so hot? And most importantly where is Cinderella? I mean she or most likely he should be probably where we are heading the Tremaine house or rather MANSION, holy shit when did we get here so fast

Mr. Tremaine: well we are here — he approached the MASSIVE door and called for it to open, soon the door opened and everyone entered it (y/n) being the last

Yandere Disney genderbend! X Fem readerWhere stories live. Discover now