First Catch!

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"I choose Charcub." Leo said confidently. He already liked fire types. They were really cool for lack of a better word. Hopefully, this one would be pretty strong and could help him win some battles.

"Great choice, Leo." Professor Linden said kindly. "Charcub, here is a very well-behaved pokemon, and I'm sure he'll love being yours."

As the professor spoke, Charcub walked up to Leo and started to sniff him. "Char!"Good to meet you to charcub, I'll be your trainer from now on, okay?"Char!" The little pokemon seemed very excited about having a new friend.

The professor handed Leo his new pokemons pokeball and then turned to Wren, "Wren dear, have you and eevee chosen what new friend to take with you this time?" Leo was a bit confused at this, it must have shown on his face because Leah lent over and whispered to him, "Wren and eevee choose a new pokemon to have be part of their team each summer, it helps to have someone that can use the pokemon here and find out anything new about them. Wren wants to be a pokemon researcher someday, so this is kind of like an internship for them." Ah, that made sense.

"Well, we saw all the photos of the pokemon in the lab you sent before I left;" Wren started, "but eevee really prefers to choose a new friend in person." As they talked eevee had been running around the area saying hi to each pokemon, then exclaiming as it sniffed seedmouse. "Is that who you think should join us this time?" Wren asked kindly. "Ee-Eevee!" Wren looked back to their aunt, "Is it alright if we take seedmouse auntie Brair?" "Of course dear, here's the pokeball for your new friend, I'm sure you'll have a great time together."

Later that day, when Leo went home and showed his mom his new pokemon, he heard a knock on the door. "Char?"It's probably Leah. She said she would show me some places to catch more pokemon. I want to be a powerful trainer, so I'll need a good team. I want to be a champion trainer someday, and these will be my first steps towards my goal. You'll help right charcub?"Char!"

"Stop monaloging and answer the door, Leo." His mom said sarcastically.

Leo opened the door to find Leah and Wren standing there.

"Hey Leo, I hope you dont mind if Wren comes along with us. They want to catch some new pokemon too."

"I don't mind, as long as I get to catch some strong pokemon for my team."

Leo looked over to Wren to see seedmouse was perched on their shoulder, and eevee was now running round in circles around all of their legs chasing charcub.

As the group walked into Cedarsap Forest, they could see several wild pokemon and a few kids trying to catch them. They walked for a few more minutes before reaching a small pond.

"Hey, there's magikarp in there, I'm gonna catch one!" Leo announced excitedly."But why a magikarp? Aren't they really weak? You said you wanted something strong." Said Leah. "Because magikarp evolves into gyarados, and their super strong."Oh yeah, that makes sense." Leah replied.

Leo grabbed one of the pokeballs he had got from his mother and threw one at a magikarp.

One shake

Two shakes

Three shakes

The pokeball fully closed with a small click.

"Yes, I caught it!" Leo watched the pokeball float to the surface, then grabbed it from the water and went to put it in his bag.

However, as soon as he opened the bag, something flew out , a shock of red and a happy robotic voice that said

"Congratulations, Magikarp has been added to your pokedex."

"Ah!" Leah stumbled back over a tree root and fell on her but. "Stupid root." she mumbled.

"Sorry, I forgot he was in there for a second." Leo said, helping her up whilst Wren had stopped trying to hide their laughter. "It's fine," replied Leah. "Nice to meet you, rotom."Nice to meet you too!"

"Hey rotom, you have info about the pokemon in this area, right?" Leo asked. "Yes! Professor Kukui programed me with all the basic data regarding Alfana and the pokemon who live here. What would you like to know?"Are there any super strong pokemon around here that I could catch?" Leo asked picking up his backpack and making sure magikarp's pokeball was safe.

"Yes! Whilst there are several species that grow into powerfull pokemon, the pokemon around here that has the most power right now is riolu, located on the Whitefield Cliffs." Great how do I get there?" Wren had managed to recover from their laughter and somehow answered faster than rotom could. "Just follow the path that goes up the big hill you'll be there in five minutes."

"Awesome let's go!" Actually I'm gonna stay here for a bit, I have a feeling I'll meet a pokemon for my team here." Wren said. "Are you sure you don't want to-"Dont bother trying to convince them Leo, once Wren has a feeling they won't listen." Leah interrupted. "Alright you and me will go then." Sure I promised to show you around anyway." Leah replied cheerfully.

And so they went up the hill, what will happen? Will Leo get a riolu? What is Wren's feeling leading too? Find out next chapter once the author's adhd and hectic schedule lets her write.

A/N Thanks for reading, as the little paragraph up there said updates will likely be quite inconsistent. I'm still designing Alfanas pokedex, so if you have an idea for a fakemon, let me know in the comments.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 26 ⏰

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