1: This Self-Proclaimed Goddess and Reincarnation in Another World!

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It was a regular day, the sun was out shining brightly. A nice breeze was going through the town, and the birds were singing. It's turning out to be a perfect day.

Y/N: Crap! I'm late!

Until some idiot wakes up late and starts screaming, ruining the nice atmosphere for everyone else. Y/N rushes out of his house and runs as fast as he can down the street. As he was running, he heard his phone ringing from his pocket.

Y/N: Hello?

Jason (phone): Hey! Where the hell are you?! Everyone else is inside already and the movie is about to start.

Y/N was still spriting while on the phone with his friend, he made a sharp right turn and saw a fence up ahead.

Y/N: Sorry! I was reading a few chapters on Wattpad last night and lost track of time.

Jason (phone): (sighs) Of course you did. How far are you?

Y/N jumps up high and goes over the fence, when he lands on the other he takes off sprinting again.

Y/N: A few blocks away.

Jason (phone): Just get here soon, the movie starts in ten minutes.

Y/N: Yeah, yeah yeah. I'll be there soon.


Y/N hangs up the call and makes a left turn. After running for a few minutes, he arrives at the end of the block where the theater is. He stops for a moment to catch his breath.

Y/N: (panting) Made it!

Y/N takes out his phone to see how much time he has left before the movie starts.

Y/N: And would you look at that, two minutes to spare. Jason was worried about nothing.

Y/N goes to walk toward the theater, finally going to see a movie that he has been itching to watch for months.

Civilian: Hey! Watch out!

Y/N: Huh?

Y/N looks around him but sees nothing. He then hears a high-pitched noise coming from above, when he looks up he sees a piano about to fall on to him.

Y/N: Son of a-



Y/N opened his eyes and found himself sitting in a strange room, across from him was an empty white chair. He looks to his left and sees another guy wearing a green tracksuit sitting next to him.

Kazuma: Huh?

Y/N: The hell? Who are you? W-where are we? 

Before either of them could answer each other, they heard a female voice coming from behind.

Aqua: Kazuma Satou, Y/N L/N. Welcome to the afterlife. Unfortunately, the two of you passed away moments ago.

 Unfortunately, the two of you passed away moments ago

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24 ⏰

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