Chapter 9: pale figure

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Shade lords POV:
I was asleep, in that weird dream world again. Back here? Again? I said out loud, smilingly to no one. What do you want from me!? I yelled into the endless abyss around.

Follow. A calm, cold voice said as a path lit up with a pale glow. Not like I have anywhere else to go. I growled at the disembodied voice.

I followed the path, preparing myself for anything. The path didn't feel as long or winding as the last time I was in this place. There was then a pale light that appeared the the distance. Finally. I grumbled.

The bright figure I saw earlier came into view, just standing in place. Who are you?...are you my father? The pale king!? I yelled as I rushed closer the the figure, demanding an answer. Please, let me see who you are. Give me some sort of solace. I said more calm and sad.

The figure altered his pale glow, revealing he was my father. I'm sorry for this inconvenience, I am in some sort of limbo and my form doesn't last long in the physical world. He said with a achy voice.

You...are alive. I said in shock. Well, yes and no. It's...complicated. He replied with a soft voice.

His was so calm, not frighted at all. Like this has happened before.

My oh my... I always thought it would be my hollow knight that struck down the forgotten light, not you. He said as he put one of his hands on my chest examining me,

I remember you...I know who you are. He continued to talk. His voice cold and stiff, yet warm and soft at the same time. From the abyss. I just barely saw you, and then you fell...I'm sorry. He said as his hand formed into a ball. He then quickly took it off my chest. He looked sad...sorry for what he did.

Can you come back to the palace? I asked trying to change the subject. I can, but it might take a while for me to come back (be reborn) to the physical world. He replied with a sigh. How long? I asked curiously. Months...maybe years. If I'm lucky just a few weeks. He answered with a sadden sigh.

And...could I bring you back? I am the "god of gods" I might be able to do it. I asked looking for another answer.

Yes you can...but there might be consequences for doing so. He replied again, but this time bitterly. How? How can I bring you back!? I demanded to know. He was silent. I think It's time for you to wake up. He said coldly. What? No! Tell-. He cut me off. If you are serious about bring me back, then go to the place where the forgotten one rest. I heard him mutter out before I woke up.

I sighed out of disappointment. Why does he have to be so cryptic? What is "the place where the forgotten one rest"? Is he talking about...the Radiance? But I killed her...didn't I? My thoughts spiralled all over the place.

Perhaps I should go to Hallownest's crown...maybe I can get answers there. I thought getting up. It's not like I want to go there. But do I even have a choice? I growled.

At the entrance to Hallownest's crown —>

I walked forward a bit in silence. Well? I'm here!...Come on! Do something! Show me what I have to do! I yelled well I looked around. Of corse, just silence. I knew I was going crazy. I laughed to myself. What are you doing here? A feminine voice asked with anger.

I turned and saw a tall moth a few feet away from. Well answer me shade lord. Have you come back to kill me? Or put me in the same pain as the pantheon? She asked with a hiss. What?...are you...Radiance? I asked trying to understand what she was saying. Isn't it obvious, oh great "god of gods" she replied harshly. But I thought you died. I thought I killed you! And why do you look different? I said loudly. Really? Well gods like you and me, don't die so easily. She blurted out. Oh and the reason I look different is because this is a shell of my true form, just like what your father did. She said with a hiss.

Why are you here? And I want the truth not some made up nonsense. She crossed her arms waiting for a answer. You don't need to know. I said as I turned away. This is my home, you can't just come in here and do whatever you want without telling me! She yelled as she opened her withered wings. Fine if you must know, I'm trying to bring my father back, from where ever he is. I said with a angered tone. You can't do that. She said out of the blue. Of course I can, I have the power to. I said confused. No, I mean you can't do that because if you do you will disrupt the natural balance of things. She said as she got closer to me.

I looked up at her still confused. And tell me what are these "things". A asked unbelieving. Life and death! How the gods work! Entire ecosystems! Light and darkness! And a bunch of other stuff! Because what you are doing is forced and unnatural! Not to mention the consequences that could happen to you father. She replied reluctantly.

I turned to face her entirely, and what you saying is true? I asked with doubt. Yes it is. I knew someone who did the same, it didn't turn out good for him. She said with sadness. Your father is a powerful god like us. And knowing him he will always find a way to come back. He's annoying like that. She said with a chuckle to ensure me. You should go home. There is nothing but emptiness here. She said with a sigh.

I walked just a few steps then stopped. I turned back to her. Why don't you come with me? We can help with your injury's, and's kind of lonely up here. I said willingly. What? Really? She asked surprised and confused. I simply nodded. She smiled and walked with me back to the palace.

Back at the white palace —> Radiance's POV:

As I walked around the palace I couldn't help but admire its beauty. The wyrm really outdid himself with this. I thought warmly. I could barely here the others talking about me in the other room, but I ignored everything about the situation. Don't even try to sneak up on me wyrm. I know your there. I said with no hesitation. But how did you-remember me and my moths have strong connections between the dead and dreams. I said as I cut off the pale king. Right of course, don't know how I forgot. He replied with a soft voice.

Why are you here? I asked. I could ask the same thing for you. But I just wanted to see if everything was okay. He replied to my question eagerly. I sat down at a ledge. He came and sat beside me. Why are you here? He asked with no malice. Because your child brought me here, to help with my injury's and also because it was super "lonely" where I was. He's like you...but a thousand times better. We both chuckled at the statement.

I smiled warmly. You know what funny? The fact that we're not trying to kill each other, and that we're actually getting along. I said as I looked at him. Why couldn't it be like this before? I said with a sigh. Well because I "stole" your "children", then you started a war and infection, and then I died, and then you died, and here we are now. He replied to me. It was a rhetorical question, there was no need to answer wyrm. I said with a disappointed sigh. Oh. He said a bit embarrassed. We both just chuckled.

Alright let's make a deal. From here on out, we won't fight any more. Okay? We'll be friends...again, just like the good old days. I said happily. I like that deal. He said with a smile. We both nodded in agreement. Until I can return, promise me you'll watch over them. He said as he looked at the other room...

I promise.

Word count for this chapter is around 1423

Sorry it's been a while since I last updated, I've been feeling a bit depressed, and I haven't had the motivation to do anything for the past few days. But I'm back so yay 😀

I'll try to be more active with making chapters but I hope you all liked this one, and I'll see you all in the next one.

I hope you all have a wonderful day, 🙂

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