Chapter 1 (Pilot - Part 1) Roslyn

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"Aren't we just terrified'

Matilda (who went by many nicknames) was your average teenage girl. Well except for the fact that her father is on the counsel, shes been in space all her life and shes rotting in a cell waiting to be floated just like her mother.

Tillie was just 3 days away from turning 18. She sat in her cell staring at the wall as she imagined a life on earth. A life she would never get to experience, or so she thought.

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

"Prisoner 257 face the wall and hold out your right arm" I hears a guard say interrupting my thoughts. I do as I'm told and keep quiet. The sound of a box opening and a cling noise fills the room. 

"No I don't turn 18 for 3 more days" I say turning around to face the guard as panic fills my vains

"Hold out your arm" the guard repeats getting angry.

I run out of the room fast enough that the guards didn't catch me . I look over the railing and see kids left and right getting escorted out of their cells. Some were panicking, Some were crying, lots had excepted their fate but some decided to fight back.

I look back at my cell door to see the guards running out to catch me. Before they get to my, counsellor kane yells at them to stop.

"Dad?"  I says as Kane gives me a hug "Their float us aren't they" I says in between sobs

"No Maddie" my father says as he slightly lets me go from the hug "your being sent to the ground"

"But" i start

"Here this might help" Kane says as he slips a small knife into my back pocket of my pants"i love you so much do you understand" he says as he cups his daughter face with his hands

"I love you too" the young kane says as i feel a sharp object being pierced  into my back. I fall to the ground parallelised as black spots plague My vision 

"May we meet again" Kane says as he bends down to his daughter and rubs her cheek as she looses consciousness.

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

Once I regained consciousness i look around to see about 35 other people around me. 

"Welcome back" I hear a familiar voice chime next to me

"Collins?" I say turning to face the long haired boy who I had been best friends with since childhood sitting next to me 

"The one and only" he says as he gives the blonde a hug. As the best friends shared this loving moment the drop ship abruptly shock. As Jahas face was plastered across all the screens on the dropship 

"Prisoners of the ark , hear me now. You've been given a second chance, and as your chancellor it is my hope that you see this as not just a chance for you but a chance for all of us." Jaha says with a deadpan face

I tune out the speech and look around for familiar faces. I am greeted with the unpleasant sight of Clarke Griffin and wells Jaha. God do i hate those two.

When the three were around 7 years old their parents tried to get all three of them to become best friends but that didn't go to plan. Clarke (or little miss speech girl as Matilda liked to call her) and wells (or Mini chancellor as Matilda called him) had become best friends and Maddie was pretty sure they were dating at some point. Whereas Maddie became best friends with the infamous finn Collins and another young soul who Maddie never thought she would see again but will soon be proved wrong. 

"Your dads a dick wells!" I shout out with my hands making a cone around my mouth to attempt to be louder. Me and Collins laugh as little miss speech girl looks at us with an annoyed expression on her face.

I hear finn unbuckle his seat belt and float out of the seat.

"Finn what are you doing?" I say with a questioning look as he floats past her and over to wells

"Check it out. Your dad floated me, after all." Finn says to wells as I let out a small laugh as Clarke shoots me death stares.

"You should strap in before the parachutes deploy." Well says at an attempt to boss finn around as 2 others unbuckle there seat earning cheers from the delinquents surrounding them.

"Hey, you two, stay put if you want to live." Clarke says in a growl.

"Who put you in charge" I ask sarcastically as I float out of my seat over to Clarke.

"Hey, you're the traitor who's been in solitary for a year." finn flirts 

"You're the idiot who wasted a month of oxygen on an illegal spacewalk." Clarke says not realising he's flirting

"But it was fun. I'm Finn." 

As Finn says and I finally notice the light flickering. I try to float back to my seat but gravity hits sending all 4 of us floaters into the wall. My vision goes black as I lay on the ground unconscious

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

I wake up some time later with my head throbbing, an intense shooting stinging pain in my leg, my vision blurry and my ears ringing. I lowly sit up as I hear a mixture of people rushing around me and ringing.  I notice that I'm farther away from the other floaters. 

"Finn, is he breathing?" I hear Clarke say

"Thanks for the concern Clarke" As I begin to stand up and Finn rushes to my side grabbing my arm to support me. He lift me up and I hiss at the pain.

Clarke opens her mouth to attempt to make a witty comeback (which i know would fail) but was thankfully interrupted by a voice screaming "The outer door is on the lower level. Let's go."

Everyone starts to rush down the ladder but me and Finn wait up on the second level until the door is opened

"No. We can't just open the doors." Clarke says trying to get people to stop.

"Hey, just back it up, guys." I hear a deep voice say from the lower level. 

Finn sets me down on a  seat , I look back at the ladder where there are still people going down it. I look down at my leg to see how badly I hurt it. I see my pants stained with blood. I lift them up and look next to me as I realise Finn is gone, there is also a pleasant clean smell in the air. 

"WERE BACK BITCHES" I hear a girl yell along with people laughing and cheering. 

I look back down at my leg to see a medium sized cut on it. I rip the bottom of my shirt of and wrap the material tight around my leg. 

"Welcome to the ground" I say to myself as a lean my back against my seat.


Thank you for reading <3 

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