Chapter 2 (Pilot - part 2) You get me so high

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"You're my best friend, I'll love you forever"

I end up making my way down the ladder and out the door of the drop ship. I see Clarke messing around with a map ,I roll my eyes as I wake around the area of the drop ship. 

I walk into a forested area and get distracted by the trees. Their branches draped in lush green leaves, creating a lively world where nature thrives beneath their expansive canopies. A vibrant tapestry of life, filled with the rustling of leaves and the whispers of the wind.

As I'm walking a bump into somebody. It's a man.

"Watch where your" He begins as he turns around

"John?" I question at the sight of my 2nd and last friend

"Maddie?" he says as he sees me and embraces me in a big hug that was long overdue. 

John , Finn and Kane were the only people who she aloud to call her Maddie. Everyone else had to call her Tillie or Matilda. 

"Jesus what did you get arrested for?" Murphy asks me as he releases me from the hug 

Maddies mother was cruel towards her and was an alcoholic. Maddie had bipolar (which nobody except her father, mother and Murphy knew) so she was triggered easy by her mother being drunk all the time. One night Maddie's mother came home drunker than usual and that sent Maddie into panic mood. Maddie was spiralling and made an attempt at her own life. Her mother called the guards and Maddie was still in a manic state so she injured an officer. She never told anybody except her father. 

"You know I was just too hot" i joke even tho Murphy could tell I was lying 

"Sounds about right" he says as he turns to stand next to me and them puts him arm across both my shoulders "Lets go fuck shit up" he says as us and our gang walk of back toward the drop ship reading to 'fuck shit up' like Murphy said 

"Just like old times"

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

"look at those dorks" a guy named miller says earning some laughs as we approach the dropship. We watch as wells pushes a kid with googles on his head. Murphy (who's arm was still across my shoulders) and I walk up to the fight 

"Hey, hey, hey, hands off of him. He's with us." Murphy says in an intimidating voice

"Relax. We're just trying to figure out where we are." Wells says as he gestures to the map

"We're on earth dumbass" I say quietly to Murphy who lets out a small chuckle and grin before turning back to the action about to unfold.

"We're on the ground. That not good enough for you?" A deep voice intudes as all eyes go to him and the smaller girl standing next to him.

"We need to find Mount Weather. You heard my father's message. That has to be our first priority." wells says stepping forward intoan open area making sure all the attentions on him

"Screw your father. What, you think you're in charge here, you and your little Princess?" The brown haired girl who I recognised as Octavia Blake says as she looks in between Clarke and wells

"Do you think we care who's in charge?" Clarke says in her classic speech tone

"oh God here we go again" I say to Murphy "Does she ever stop talking"

"We need to get to Mount Weather not because the Chancellor said so, but because the longer we wait, the hungrier we'll get and the harder this'll be"

"I don't thinks so" John says looking down at me with a grin

"How long do you think we'll last without those supplies? We're looking at a twenty-mile trek, okay? So if we want to get there before dark, we need to leave now."

"I got a better idea. You two go, find it for us. Let the privileged do the hard work for a change." the guy with the slick back hair says 

As people start agreeing with him a start to get worried that Clarke or wells was going to call me out 

Maddie never lived with her dad. Her mum was 19 and her dad was 24. Her mum didn't want Kane in Maddie's life so she would rarely  see her father. Thats only because he threatened her mother into allowing him to see Maddie every 2nd weekend for 6 hours. She never classified herself as privileged as she lived in the poorest residency area in the ark.

"you're not listening. We all need to go." Wells says at an attempt to convince people

"Look at this, everybody" Murphy says leaving my side and shoving wells

"The Chancellor of Earth" I say with a smirk as I step forwards and people around us laugh

"Think that's funny?" Wells asks as Murphy swings his leg into wells and a loud crunch is heard. 

"Wells" Clarke says trying to rush forward to him as I black her way.

"Where do you think your going princess" I say was I slightly shover her back on her right shoulder. Clarke raises her hand and makes contact with my face. I feel a stinging sensation where she slapped me. In the short moment where I lost my guard she tries to rush forwards again only to be blocked by John mbege , a member of the gang.

"No, but that was. All right." Murphy says egging wells on "Come on. Come on."

As Murphy was about throw a punch Finn jumps down from a fight.

"Kid's got one leg" Finn says getting in between Murphy and wells "How about you wait until it's a fair fight?"

"Hey, spacewalker," Octavia says as she goes up to Finn looking at him with bedroom eyes "rescue me next." 

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺ 1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47

"Find any water yet?" Murphy asks as Mbege, him and I  walk up to wells who is putting sticks in a pile

"No, not yet, but, I'm going back out if you want to come." wells says and I let out a small chuckle at the sight of the engraving that Murphy and I draw with his knife earlier 

"You know, my father, he begged for mercy in the airlock chamber when your father floated him." Murphy says with a look of sadness behind his eyes

Wells turns around and sees the engraving that reads 'first son first to dye' 

"You spelled die wrong, geniuses" wells says as he walk in between me and John hitting his shoulders with his own


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19 ⏰

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