Goodbyes Sure Do Suck

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Salvatore Boarding School

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Salvatore Boarding School

Aaron was sat with Lizzie in the common area as they had their morning check in with each other. Everyday, they checked in with each other and talked about the events of the previous day. "I'm going to say this though, that lady of the lake bitch was this close to being strangled to death." Lizzie told Aaron, who chuckled. "That or being dried out with a simple incendia spell." Aaron added. Lizzie hummed in agreement. "That might have been more satisfying." Lizzie said. Aaron nodded. "Anyway, how was your reunion with Hope last night?" Lizzie asked, sipping the drink in her hand.

Aaron thought back to the events that occurred the previous night and smiled widely. "It was great." Aaron said. Lizzie squinted her eyes before looking him up and down in an analysing way. The lovesick eyes. The sickly sweet grin. The relaxed posture. Lizzie then gasped in realisation. "You had sex?!" Lizzie exclaimed quietly and Aaron's grin dropped from his face as his eyes went wide. He looked around to see if anyone heard her before sighing. "Maybe..." Aaron muttered, avoiding eye contact. "Maybe? Did you do it right? Because it's either a yes or no answer to that question. So, did you or did you not?" Lizzie asked.

Aaron stared at her before sighing. "Yes, okay. We had sex. I was kinda waiting for our one year anniversary but we both got caught up in the moment. It's not a big deal, alright?" Aaron told her quietly. Lizzie scoffed. "Not a big deal my ass. You finally joined the ranks. Renounced the card. Lost the little purity you had left." Lizzie said amused. Aaron just stared at her blankly. "I'm glad you find my loss of virginity humorous." Aaron said sarcastically. Lizzie shook her head. "I'm sorry. It's not supposed to be funny. What I meant to say was that I'm happy for you and surprised it took this long to happen." Lizzie told him.

Aaron just rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry I wanted my first time to be with someone I loved, okay? I'm sorry I didn't want to do it with some random girl. I know some people do that and I'm not judging them, but I personally wanted to do it with someone I loved and with someone that loved me. And I did. So can you not make jokes about it just yet?" Aaron told her. Lizzie sighed. "You're right. I'm sorry. I've got no room to judge." Lizzie apologised. "It's fine. I expected you to make jokes about it. I just know you so well." Aaron said.

Lizzie chuckled. "That is true. You do know so well. You got the highest score on the quiz I made about myself and you scored higher than Josie, my own twin sister." Lizzie said. Aaron winced. "That had to hurt." Aaron said in fake sympathy. Lizzie scoffed, shoving him lightly as he laughed loudly. After Hope had woken back up, the pain he felt every time he felt any emotion had turned from a searing stabbing pain to a constant dull ache. He hated it was still there but at least it was bearable.

Suddenly, Alaric came rushing across the front entrance and stopped once he saw Aaron. "Aaron, great. I need you to come with me." Alaric told the Salvatore boy, who furrowed his brows. "Why?" Aaron asked confused. Alaric sighed. "I'll explain in my office." Alaric told him. Aaron sighed. "Fine." He said before looking at Lizzie. "Talk later." Aaron told her. Lizzie nodded before watching him and her dad walk away. Aaron followed the headmaster into his office before stopping when he saw a dead body laid out across the floor and Kaleb stood over it. "Dr. Saltzman, did you kill someone?" Aaron asked. "No, I didn't kill anyone." Alaric sighed.

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