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Feimo stood at the window dumbfounded, "Come again!" He demanded. Was it a normal custom for your local priest to climb up to your window and ask such peculiar questions? Dom chuckled in the moonlight and requested to come in. This must have been a test. C'thelli and the father were friends, she must have put him up to this. He considered just closing the shutters and going back to his new bed, and yet the satisfaction of putting this angel lover in his place was overwhelming.

He let him in. Much to Dom's relief who stretched his legs with a low groan. "So, what do you say?" He asked. From the full week of constant interaction with the devil, he had learned that surface dwellers often asked questions that weren't supposed to be answered. Yet here he was, requested to answer such an extreme question. "Do you want to kill God?" He repeated enthusiastically. He was unsure how to tackle this situation. He hardly knew the priest and already he was throwing him through a loop. Maybe he took offence to being called Pops? 

He responded, "Sure I do, but it wouldn't really look good on my report so..." Dom began to pace about the room, his leather boots hardly made a squeak against the floor boards as he moved. "You know, Feimo, I fought in the war as well." With a wave of his hand, the candle beneath his palm re-lit into an impossible blaze, soaking the walls into a bright orange similar to the flaring battlefields of the Underworld. "I fought for God and my kin. I have seen friends die and devastation on an unprecedented scale. I presume this is something we have in common?" He turned to him, his face was a bloody red as he levelled his gaze upon him.

Feimo nodded along with tensing muscles. Maybe Dom was seeking for a motive for vengeance? Somewhere in his hazy mind, fuzzy images and frenzied highs of past battles swirled inside him. Though a hundred years of prison had rotted much of his memories away. At least his pride hadn't wavered, something which Dom seemed to frown upon with a huff. "Come on, Pops, there's nothing wrong with feeling a lil righteous in the end." He muttered with his arms crossed over his chest indignantly.

The human chuckled, "Do you feel righteous? Was Satan's beliefs an echo of your own?" He asked in a soft murmur. He folded his hands over one another whilst Feimo thought about it. At the time, he wholeheartedly followed the Devil into battle, uncaring of his ideals. But when he pondered it over, about the surface world and the humans, he couldn't say that he truly hated any of them, and if C'thelli was less of a fun sponge, then he would've liked her more too. He shrugged.

"Precisely. There was nothing righteous about the war, and do you know who was to blame for it? God. God created the Devil - He created everything! Life, death, suffering, war. It was all him, Feimo. He is the power behind everything. If he wants a son, then a woman will not deny him. If he wants to torment a man and consort with the devil, then he shall, and if - in the most minute of circumstances that one suffers beyond his will, then he was complicit in it." A deep and shaky breath rattled out of his mouth. "The war, Feimo, it could have ended with a snap of his fingers. But it didn't. How many of your brood did you lose in the conflict? How many had turned to husks of salt and lost their souls, before Lucifer brought salvation unto us?"

To think that it had been a devil that ended the war peacefully. It was hard to imagine. Alien even. Afterall, sin was the nature of the Underworld and yet it was the reality of their time. It was Lucifer, a fallen angel and a devil. It was he who had saved them from total annihilation, not God. "So what, you want to kill God... Out of revenge?" The demon questioned, trying hard to follow the - could he even call him a priest anymore?

Dom, for his part, lowered his gaze to his flexing fist. He thought so long and hard about his question that Feimo had mistaken his silence for amnesia. He considered leaving and waking C'thelli, or sleeping in the kitchen. It's what he should have done since killing deity may be a slight bump in his road to rehabilitation, especially if his watchful Eye was seeking spiritual enlightenment from the church. With a resigned breath, he turned and reached for the door.

"Love." Dom's voice came out in a husky whisper, leaving his hand to hover over the cool brass of the doorway. "It isn't revenge I seek, but love for my people." He added with a growing determination that led to a perplexed request for an elaboration. "If God is willing to sit aside whilst his much "loved" children are slaughtered incredulously, than he is a God undeserving of worship. No, he must be replaced by a being with a warm heart, one that cares for his flock and seeks to maintain peace and prosperity throughout the realms!" Dom exclaimed with an excessive fervour.

"And you want to replace the big cheese in the sky?" Feimo asked with a raised brow. He had heard these talks before in Hell. Inmates with delusions of grandeur would preach from their cells of differing missions. Some sung of returning Satan to power, others proclaimed themselves gods, and one simply championed for a change in the flavour of soup. Only one had succeeded, and on that day Feimo had learnt two things. Dom would have fit in like a glove to a hand, and chicken soup tasted delicious. 

The vampire agreed profusely, citing that not only would the world be a better place, but that all species would benefit from his ascent. Monsters would shed their feral habits, C'thelli could finally be baptised without fear of death, and Feimo could return to the Underworld as a free man. It was an alluring deal, one filled with enough optimism and stupidity that made him perfectly qualified for the job. But there was a slight issue that still wormed its way into his head. "So how do you plan on - you know?" The demon jabbed his fist in a stabbing motion. He wasn't totally against the idea, its just that he had found the value in serving oneself above all else.

"I have dedicated much of my extended lifetime researching a way to transcend our world and striking back against our overlord. And with our fair kingdom leading the development of this age upon the continent, I can guarantee a means to victory." His hand extended towards him, "So I ask you, Feimo, will you undertake this task with me? Will you aid me in securing a future that is free from the whims and cruelty of our creator, so that we may choose a destiny for ourselves?" Dom's voice carried through the air in a shudder as the sincerity ballooned in his gaze.

The orange fire of the candle confronted the purple moonlight in a battle for dominance over the visitor's aura. Feimo considered, he was desperate to be good, but what did that mean? All he had known back home was a chaotic freedom. The Underworld had granted him the ability to seek out any and all vocations even before Satan became king. From taking what he wanted without consequence to killing and gutting new species in the name of delicious recipes. He had been good then, but with Lucifer in charge his whole life had been turned upside down, and what had once been normal was now deemed immoral. New rules, new beliefs, and a new norm. Yet despite it all, a priest of God, a natural enemy to his kind was asking him to make a return to the old ways of nature for society's betterment.

But what of C'thelli and the humans? It was God that gave them meaning. He asked as much, and with it a hint of sadness touched the vampire's face. "Gods have lived and died at the whims of man. The Romans, and the Greeks before them, even our northern cousins in Normandy have shed their old gods like the clothes on their backs. The mortal spirit will never remain dominated. So long as we resist their oppression." He said with a marked distance. Perhaps he himself considered this an act of treachery to his age old friend.. "So, what say you?" He pressed with his outstretched hand.

He took a step forward, the shift in perspective fuelled the fire and made it burn hotter, beating back the midnight's alluring glow until his own hand caked itself in the bright light as it clasped his own. If Dom was as earnest as his husky voice insinuated, than he was willing to follow the vampire's zealous dreams and forge them into an illustrious reality. "I'm always for a better world," He said cheerfully.

Dom nodded, a small smile lifted the corners of his lips as he spoke, "For a better world."  


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C'thelli's Demonic Orphanage (Completed and Editing)Where stories live. Discover now