Cheater Girlfriend x Superhero Male Reader x Female Villain

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Requested by: Jarquon23Colox


Oh, The Joy!


Hero name: Fortississimo

Real name: (Y/N) (L/N)

Power: (Present Mic's powers)



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(Y/N)'s POV

I was talking with my girlfriend on the phone. 

(Y/N): B-But... I'll change! 

Jenny: It's not about that, (Y/N). It's just that... i've found someone else and... i just don't need you anymore.

???: Put down the phone and get back here!

(Y/N): Who's that?

Jenny: I gotta go. Bye.

She hung up and i sighed. 

(Y/N): So this is it then...

Small timeskip

I was at my psychologist.

(Y/N): I just don't know what to do, doc. First i had these odd cravings for flesh and now Jenny left me. 

He wrote something down. 

Doc: Hmm... have you picked up on any hints that she might not love you anymore?

I shrugged.

(Y/N): I guess she was getting back home a lot later than before, but other than that no. 

I looked at my hands.

(Y/N): Have you ever got the feeling that you don't belong, doc?

He raised an eyebrow.

Doc: What do you mean? 

(Y/N): *Looks out the window* I mean that when i fall asleep... i see stuff... stuff that i can't explain. Something like my previous lives or... parallel universes perhaps? Last night i had a dream about being able to shoot my teeth out of my mouth and use them like blades. What does it mean?

Doc: Hmpf...

He closed his notebook and stood up.

Doc: I think we're done here, (Y/N)

He opened the door, singaling me to leave.

(Y/N): B-But i have 30 more minutes.

He rolled his eyes. I heard explosion behind me.

Doc: Oh, would you look at that. I guess you have to go take care of that.

I quickly stood up and ran outside, putting on my jacket and headphones while running. When i arrived, i saw the burning bank being surrounded by cops. They looked at me.

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