CH-1: reset the timeline

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(scene opens up on earth with the villain winning)

Vegeti: (grabs goki senzu bean) “so you say these restore your stamina and fix your body well then you won't be needing it” she tosses it into her mouth chewing and swallowing as all her injuries disappear and she feels her key and stamina return to full power 

Krillin: “NOOO” he and Gohan watch as vegeti rises into the air powering up all her energy putting her hands into the air as a ball of ki appears getting larger by the second

Vegeti: “PREPARE TO DIE” a white ball zooms out of space through Vegeta ball of ki  ducking her in the back of the head making it explode as a circular chunk of ice lands in the middle of the field of destruction

Goki: (barely looking up) “huh” she watches as the sphere of ice starts melting revealing saiyan hair coming out of the top of the ball as the ball explodes with Y/N face unfreezing letting himself move and he stretches

Y/N: “alright which planet am i on (clicks scouter only for it to die) damn battery froze well guess i'll have to look around (notices goki gohan and krillin) who are they”

Vegeti: “who dares hit the princess of all saiyans”

Y/N: “princess that means shes king ve- (evil smirk) well well if it isnt the daughter of a bastard”

VEGETI: “who dar-” Y/N gut punches her launching her body into a half blown up mountain as rubble covers her

Y/N: “me bitch”

Yajirobe: “woah hey have you come to help-” Y/N looks at yajirobe for a split second and sticks his palm out at his face

Y/N: (evil smirk)

Yajirobe: (scared) “u-us” Y/N fires a ki blast that detonates  yajirobe in his entirety destroying him into nothingness as the gang have shocked expressions on there faces

Goki: (sticks hand out) “Yajirobe”

Y/N: (looking at Goku while thinking) “that hair it reminds me of something”

Krillin: (whispers to Gohan) “distract him I got an idea”

Gohan: “um hey mister who are you”

Y/N: “the names Y/N the Saiyan now for my question if you answer incorrectly or I just don't like it I will kill you”

Gohan: (watching krillin behind Y/N) “um ok what is it”

Y/N: “first off what planet is this”

Gohan: “um earth”

Y/N: “alright and next question what are you”

Gohan: “can't you ki sense”

Y/N: (growls) “one more chance answer the question”

Gohan: “I'm a half saiyan half human”

Y/N: “half saiyan your a half breed (spits on ground) you make me sick you half breeds are a disgrace to the Saiyan name and should be eradicated”

Goahn: “wh-what”

Y/N: “tell you what I usually don't waste ki on something so pitiful but today I'm feeling a little generous so why don't you stand still (sticks out hand) and I'll end your disgraceful existence” Y/N eyes look to the right turns around with his hand covered in black ki and he catches krillin kienzan shocking the gang

Everyone: (thinking) “he caught it” Y/N spins around throwing the kienzan like a frisbee as it launches at supersonic speeds at krillin but narrowly misses because krillin was short

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