The Attack

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Captain Gajeel Redfox stood at the front line with Natsu Dragneel as they watched the Sabertooth army march up the hill towards their kingdom. Gajeel looked back at his soldiers who looked ready and willing to fight. "Today, we're taking them down." Gajeel said pacing before them. "We will not back down and we cannot let them breach the walls. The royal family's lives are on the line here."

"And Lucy's!" Natsu added in quickly. Gajeel glared at him and Natsu gave him a dorky, and very toothy, grin.

"Wait for my signal." Gajeel got on his black and white horse, Pantherlily. He stood there as the Sabertooth army came to a stop with Sting leading them. Sending one of their princes to lead the army... Isn't that suicidal for him?! Gajeel sighed, then again he was save by the princess, where he realized then he had a love for her. The king and queen still made him their captain after he confessed his love for her to them. What knight had a chance for the king's daughter? This was no fairy tale.

Gajeel's blood red eyes met Sting's and they both held up their swords showing the armies it was time to attack. They threw their arms down simultaneously then rushed into battle on their horses. Gajeel rushed straight to Sting slashing at him but a passing soldier cut along his horse's body making it cry in pain. "Lily!" Gajeel shouted as he fell off. He looked over the wound as Sting smiled over him with an evil smile. Gajeel turned to see his army being easily overpowered. Gajeel froze seeing the princess rushing through the battlefield towards him. "Levy?"

"Captain Gajeel!" She screamed running for him. She knelt beside him. "They've breached the walls. I-I..." she trailed off as a soldier came rushing at them. "Gajeel!" She jumped up in front of him taking the sword's slash across the chest. She screamed out in pain.

"Princess!" Gajeel yelled catching her. She laid bloody in his arms. Her white dress stained with her own blood. He picked her up leaving the wounded horse. "Hold on." he said rushing her inside the castle that now had fleeing soldiers from the Sabertooth kingdom.

Gajeel's mind raced as he looked to find Lucy. He saw Natsu holding her close to his chest. She was crying. "Natsu!" Gajeel said holding the bleeding princess in his arms. Lucy looked up as Natsu turned his head.

"P-princess Levy! No!" Lucy screamed. She ran to Gajeel who was now covered in Levy's blood. "Bring her to her chambers, quickly. We need to stop the bleeding before we lose her too!"

Gajeel nodded and rushed her to her room. He slammed open the door and pulled back the drapes to her bed and laid her there. She looked so peaceful. Gajeel touched her cheek and Lucy came up behind him. "Out." she said shoving him towards the door. "We'll take care of her." Juvia, Erza, and Wendy were all with her.

A Year Ago...

Levy sat in the meadow reading a book like she did most afternoons, but this day felt different to her. Maybe it was because she knew her best knight was out being an ambassador for the peace treaty between the Magnolia Kingdom and the Sabertooth Kingdom. She had grown very fond of the knight. His name was Gajeel and he was her personal guard.

Levy heard foot steps in the flowers and she looked up from her book. She saw Gajeel's figure come into view. She smiled at him but froze seeing he was covered in blood. "Oh gosh, Gajeel!" she shouted getting up quickly. She rushed to him as he fell, his blood getting all over the flowers. Tears streamed from her eyes as she picked him up. He was so heavy, could she carry him back to the kingdom walls?

Levy managed to get Gajeel onto her back and half carry and half drag him to the palace where she ran into Lucy, her parents' assistant, her best friend. "Princess Levy!" she said. "Oh goodness, Gajeel."

"Help me, Lucy." She said as he fell off of her back. She looked down at him and he was barely conscious. He smiled at her and Levy's heart skipped a beat. "You're going to be okay!" she held his hand looking at Lucy. "Get the nurse! A doctor. Go!"

Gajeel woke up in bandages and a bed foreign to him. He looked around realizing he was in the princess's room. He sat up quickly and yelled out in pain. He grabbed his side and he realized he was shirtless and covered in bandages. Blood bleed through the bandage onto his hand. The drapes were closed around Levy's bed and he looked to the other side of the bed to see her sleeping peacefully beside him. She woke up and stared at him sleepily. "Gajeel..." Her tired voice spoke softly. Gajeel's heart skipped a beat.

"P-Princess..." He trailed off looking at her. "Why am I in y-your bed?" He stuttered. Why am I stuttering? What is this feeling in my chest?! He placed his hand on his heart and felt a blush on his face. Why is it so hot in here?

The princess smiled at him, "You were injured and I didn't trust anyone else to watch over you while you were sleeping. Gajeel, you're the best knight we have here and you're my personal knight. I can't lose you." She said. Her eyes met his and his heart picked up pace. "My parents would find this very indecent to have you in my bed with me... But I don't care. They aren't here at the kingdom any way. They won't be for another week which is long enough for you to rest up." She yawned and her eyes fluttered as she fought sleep. She looks so fucking cute.

Levy smiled at Gajeel again and Gajeel felt his face get warm as he blushed. He moved a bit closer to her. Levy let out a small, tired, giggle and rested her head on his chest cuddling into him. Gajeel's heart was pounding on his chest so hard and fast he felt like she could hear and feel every beat. He wrapped his arms around her knowing that was he was doing, cuddling with the princess, was probably a huge no no.

He watched her eyes submit to the tiredness as she drifted to sleep. He kissed her forehead and realized that the emotion he was feeling was love for his princess. Not a love that most people show for their king of queen, a real love. He wanted to be with her. Gajeel wanted to ask for the princess's hand in marriage but he knew he would never have a chance.

He yawned feeling the sleepiness taking over him. He cuddled closer to the princess burying his face in her soft blue locks. He fell asleep almost instantly.

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