The Deal

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Lucy sat across from Sting as he signed the papers for the treaty. His smiled scared her more than she let on. Part of being the ambassador for Magnolia, she had to keep a somewhat tough demeanor. Tough? You? Please this guy is going to chew me up and spit me out. I mean he is the one who landed the fatal blow on queen and stabbed the sword through the king...

"Here ya go, cutie." Sting said sliding the treaty back over to Lucy. She swallowed reading over the treaty. She froze reading over the second paragraph over and over. Sting chuckled, "What is it?"

"I-I don't remember me marrying you had anything to do with uniting the kingdoms. I'm not even a part of the royal blood line." She felt like she was stuttering more than she actually did. Her heart was racing. Her face was hot from the blush that washed over it. A lot had happened in the last forty-eight hours. The man she had her sights set on to spend her life with got the dragon curse AND now she was accepting a treaty that sealed away hers and the princess's marriage. She bit her tongue.

"Yeah, well why let Rogue marry the princess, I mean the new queen, without getting something myself? Plus, when the kingdoms unite, I'll need a queen. You'd love to be a queen wouldn't you?"

Lucy gagged and hoped he hadn't seen it. As flattered as she was, she loved Natsu. She kept replaying Levy's words through her head. "You're going to gain peace under any circumstance. Even if it means uniting the kingdoms." Lucy bit her lip and stood up quickly.

"I'll get this to the pri-queen right away and be back with it signed." She said politely. She really just felt like crying. She already missed Natsu, even if he was a scary monster. She left the Sabertooth kingdom quickly to meet up with Levy.

Levy gazed out the window in her bedroom and sighed looking over her kingdom. The people sulked around in the streets due to the loss of soldier lives. The lives of fathers, uncles, sons. War didn't come free and it was another reason Levy decided to send Lucy to get the peace treaty under any stipulation.

Levy's thoughts drifted to Gajeel. Her knight, and great friend. Gajeel was her most loyal companion and she shoved him away when he got the curse. The curse she never thought true. Levy's hand found its way to her chest where under her dress was the bandages of her slash wound. The wound she got protecting Gajeel.

Levy didn't completely understand why she had jumped in front of the sword to save Gajeel. All she knew was she couldn't think of her life without him, and now that was all she had. She was Gajeel-less and she was waiting to sign the treaty that sealed her fate as queen. Her fate to become Rogue's bride and lose her family's legacy.

Forty-Eight Hours Ago...

Levy rushed out of her parents room away from Sting. She was terrified. She heard the scream and watched her father's body fall bloody from the sword. Her mother was already laying in a pool of her own blood on the right of him. Levy didn't have time to see if she was alive she just hoped her parents would make it. She had faith in it but she had to get the captain.

Levy bumped into General Natsu Dragneel and she was startled wiping the tears from her eyes. "Princess?!" He said surprised.

Levy's eyes met his, "General, find Lady Lucy and get to the king and queen's chambers quickly. They need your help!" She said running down the hall, her heels clicking with each step. She rushed out of the palace using the back route. She saw the battlefield in the distance.

"Gajeel!" She screamed. She rushed through the dying soldiers and the Sabertooth forces that rushed through her men and into her kingdom walls. She ducked a few swords and shoved a few people away. She was shoved down into the mud getting mud on her white dress. She just got up and continued running.

"Captain!" She watched him aiding his horse. He still didn't hear her but he looked her way. "Captain Gajeel!"

"Levy?" He questioned as she got closer.

She knelt beside him. He was covered in his horse's blood. "They've breached the walls! I-I..." She looked up seeing the him. Her head screamed at her. "I can't let him die! I can't let him die!" She told herself over and over. "I can't live knowing he is dead..."

Levy stood shoving Gajeel back a little. "Gajeel!" She was in front of him. The blade made contact with her slashing through her dress getting blood all over.

"Princess!" Gajeel screamed. Levy fell into his strong, warm arms.

She mentally smiled to herself, "You saved him. Great job. I knew you wouldn't let him die." Her mind spoke to her almost like she wasn't in control. She passed out from blood loss shortly after.

Levy woke up to a warm wet cloth being pressed against her bare chest. She would've blushed if she wasn't in so much pain. She touched Lucy's other hand that was rested in the bed making it so she wouldn't fall over while she cleaned the wound. "Lu..." She whispered.

"Levy!" Lucy said looking down at her. She had tears in her eyes. "We were scared you wouldn't make it."

Levy looked around. Erza, her baker, Juvia, her maid, and Wendy, her nurse all stood behind Lucy. They all had teary eyes but were smiling brightly at her. Levy shook her head, "I know I'll be fine." She replied after thinking.

Levy relaxed on the bed as Lucy cleaned her up more. Levy's thoughts drifted in and out of sane and insane things until Gajeel came across her mind. Gajeel...

She shot up as Wendy walked over with bandages. "Gajeel! Where's Gajeel?! Is he okay?!" She looked at her friends (I say friends because I feel Levy would NEVER treat her servants any different from a friendship.) fanatically. "Please say he is okay..." She cried.

Lucy smiled, "He's fine. You saved him." She said helping Wendy wrap Levy in the bandages. Levy sighed in relief. "But your parents..."

Levy looked at her, "Are they...?"

"Your father, the king, passed before Natsu and I reached him. Your mother, the queen, isn't looking great." Lucy said holding back tears. Levy knew she loved the king and queen like family. They had practically raised her when her parents died. Levy didn't shed tears though, she wasn't in a state of mind to. She was sad, but she was still dazed. She fell asleep while Wendy and Lucy still wrapped her bandages.

Levy was pulled from her thoughts when there was a knock at her door. "Come in." She said turning around. She watched the door open and her blond assistant walk in with a piece of paper in her hand. "Is that it?"

Lucy nodded not saying a word. Levy looked into her eyes telling there was something wrong. They looked sad. Levy didn't really blame her. She knew how close she was to Natsu, how much she loves him. The two had no secrets between each other. Lucy held out the treaty.

Levy took it reading it over. Her heart broke into pieces reading "The queen of magnolia will wed the prince of Sabertooth in order to maintain peace but..." The paragraph broke there. Levy read the second paragraph and looked up at Lucy in shock. There were tears in her eyes

"Lu..." She said dropping the treaty and holding her arms out. Lucy ran into them hugging her tightly. "Lu I'm sorry. I-I can rewrite this. You can take it back and confirm it." She ran her fingers through Lucy's hair trying to comfort her.

Lucy pulled away shaking her head, "Sting won't accept that." She cried. "H-he really wants to marry me and we-we need to do this f-for the k-kingd-dom." She hugged Levy again crying into her shoulder. "I just want Natsu back."

Levy wrapped her arms around her best friend, "I know." She whispered in her ear. "Trust me, I know." Levy looked down at the treaty knowing she would have to sign it. She looked at her open door to see no knight standing there like he always had. That's when the guild hit her. She chased away her white knight just like Lucy had chased away the love of her life.

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