Alternate Ending: New Coming Rules

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This ending also takes place after "The Twin Dragons". I'm sure just reading the title you know what this one is about but yeah! I hope you enjoy this one!  2/3

Levy woke up in her bed. Her room was quiet, except for the sleeping man next to her. He was laying with his head on her bed, his butt in a chair. She smiled and touched his soft, black hair. It was longer than her own but she didn't care. Gajeel Redfox's hair was always something that Levy loved about him, well as a friend would before she actually got feelings for him.

Levy sat up which woke him from the shift of the bed. Gajeel looked up and smiled at her brightly. "Levy," He said in a tired, and really sexy, voice. Levy swore she was blushing. "I'm so glad you're okay." He sat up and moved from the chair to the bedside so he could look at her better. "How much pain are you in?"

Levy took a deep breath and looked at Gajeel, "I'm actually not in much pain. My neck hurts a little, but other than that I'm fine." She touched her neck and noticed it was bandaged. "What the bandages?"

"You were bleeding pretty badly." Gajeel glanced at the door.

"Oh..." She thought back to before the bedroom. She was outside with Gajeel, Natsu, and Lucy. She was helping take down Sting and Rogue. Are they still trying to take my kingdom?!

"What of the Sabertooth princes?"

"Natsu and I took care of them. They are sure to have a revolt as soon as their people hear what happened to their king and they'll be overthrown. Yukino made a promise of that. Sabertooth should give us no more problems."

Us? He said "us". He's planning on staying!

"Us?"Levy looked at him closely.

Gajeel chuckled, "I can't leave my queen unprotected." He smiled at her, a really dorky smile at that, and touched her hand. "Can't have the one I love that most be in danger when I can protect her."

He...he loves me?!

Levy blushed brightly at his last statement. "You love me?" She asked quietly.

"You never noticed." He said looking away. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Things are going..." He trailed off when he looked back at her.

Levy just stared at him.

He told her, and she didn't seem to feel the same way, "You never noticed." Gajeel looked away slightly embarrassed. "Sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Things are going..." but he trailed off when he looked back at her. She was staring at him. He looked into her eyes, seeing a passion for him he'd seen hints of before but she never let surface.

"I love you too, My Iron Dragon." She smiled at him, closing her eyes.

And that's when he lost control of himself and his emotions.

Levy blushed as his warm lips pressed against hers. She kissed him back once she got passed the shock. She wrapped her arms around his neck and leaned into him. He lost his balance and they tumbled to the floor. Levy was on top of Gajeel, blushing in embarrassment. "S-sorry." she stuttered getting off him. She brushed off her nightgown as he got up.

"Worth it." He mumbled rubbing the back of his head. "But Levy-,"

"I already know." She glanced at him. "We need to change the rules." She smirked. "I'm going to marry you!" She hugged him happily.

It took about a week for Levy to change the law of her only being able to marry royal blood, or heirs to the thrown. She and Gajeel decided to get married about a year or so after. He swept her off her feet as soon as they pulled from their kiss. She clung to him happily. She had never really been so happy.

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