Part 4

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missing Taylor o'clock... like it hasn't even been 24 hours yet

okay anyway

enjoy 🫶🫶🫶

happy sunday!!


The car ride to the airport Saturday morning was quiet. Mica was nursing a cup of coffee-to-go with his eyes closed while Kaia sipped on some tea. They were playing some acoustic music on the AUX, neither one of them rested enough for this. Kaia's case was worse than Mica's. She hadn't gone to sleep until about three in the morning. It was only nine-thirty. Five hours of sleep was not nearly enough.

"C'est qui?" She asked when she heard her phone buzz in the cup holder next to her. [Who's that?]

Mica picked up her phone and tapped on the screen to see the notification. He let out a laugh, eyebrows knit together. "Why do you have someone in your contacts saved as Taylor Swift sending you a knock-knock joke?"

Kaia glanced his way, her lips parted as she tried to think of an answer. "Huh?"

"Who do you have saved as Taylor Swift in your contacts?" He asked her through a laugh, taking a sip of his drink. It never occurred to him that it might actually be the singer and that amused Kaia immensely.

"Taylor Swift."

Mica snorted. "No, seriously, who is it?"

"Taylor Swift," she repeated, her grin widening. "Remember the bracelet you made with my number on it?"

Mica's eyes slowly widened. "That was a joke!"

"A terrible one too. Because you put the numbers in the wrong order," she informed him.

"You gave her the bracelet?! I didn't think you would actually do it!"

"You underestimate how far I'd take your terrible ideas," she chuckled. "It seemed to work though. She DMed me on Insta asking me why I gave her a pizza shop's number. I had to explain that it was the wrong number."

"Oh god, that is so embarrassing. She probably thinks I'm weird as fuck now," Mica groaned dropping his head against the window.

"I didn't tell her it was you," Kaia said, shoving his head playfully. "I took the blame."

"And now she's texting you knock-knock jokes?" He still seemed a little sceptical.

"I guess so," Kaia laughed. "What's the joke?"

"I don't know. It's a knock-knock joke, idiot. All it says so far is knock, knock!"

Kaia flicked him in the cheek this time.

She came to a stop at the drop-off zone in a temporary parking space and turned the engine off. "I'm going to miss your ugly arse."

Mica gave her a boyish grin and pulled her in for a tight embrace. He rubbed her shoulder affectionately and then squeezed the breath out of her. "I'll miss you too."

"Okay, you're cracking my ribs!" She exclaimed, struggling to even speak.

Mica laughed as he pulled back and she flicked him one last time before unlocking the car doors.

"I love you, Dickhead!"

"Love you too, Kibs! I'll text you when I land," he called out from the pavement, suitcase next to him.

The Alchemy [Taia (happy) AU]Where stories live. Discover now