Chapter-17 vampire/Hunter

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We left off where Ash and the vampire were having a stare off both would not have the other react until Ash raced at her but she was quick to block the attacking went on for a little till she swiped his leg but he managed to back away when she aimed another Kick at his head

girl:ice Prison!!

Ash:aura style:hot punch!!!

ash smashed through and punched her in the face but she healed quickly from it
they were gonna go again but her form
changed from adult to child.

vampire:gah fiddle sticks my power must have been unable to mange that form.

Ash:(kneels down to her) so then you done fighting i wont fight if your done.

vampire:...(nods) i gust for now(hand out) truce?

Ash:(takes her hand) Truce.

the others were very scared and ON guard but when ash gave the signal
to everything was okay they all calm down they went back but this time to bis new mansion that he bought

Delia:ash my boy this place and my room are you sure-kya!!! my babe what happened to you and you grown and and-

Ash:sh sh sh sh sh!!!! its okay its's okay I'm fine this is just a experiment i wanted to try and it worked.

Delia:so these are the woman that are
your wives correct so many?! has my boy become a player?!

Ash:no nothing like that!!

after she went to her room murmuring and trying to get Everything understood.
after this he brought the vampire girl in she didn't have a name so he gave her one Melina.

Melina:hm i like that name it fits.

Ash:well good now then(sits in his chair)

cameron:that was no human.

Ash:yeah tell me about it....Cameron here take this its to your own mansion.

Cameron:huh?!....i ask again...HUUUUH?!

Ash:your my best friend i cant let you live
in hotels or the streets i didn't make my decision yet but i think i have it now. Just head to the new mansion and a book with your job will be there


Ash:well just work for men go on missions helping people and you can earn money will be stuck in it.

Cameron:(crying) ASHHHHHH(hugs him)

Ash:gah Cameron stop it!!

Ruri:(sighs) oh boy

Melina:i want a job too.

Ash:okay then Melina you will be cameron's
Secretary basically just Help him if he needs anything.

Melina:(blushes) okay master Ash.

Ash:now go home Cameron and get some sleep my friend. your gonna-

???:where is he!!! i demand to speak to him!!! hello?! HEY ASHY BOY WHERE THE fuck ARE you!!!

Ash:oh(sighs)(i forget about Gary)

Ruri:excuse me

Gary:move!! ash you-(gasp) what the h-
its only been a month and you-

Ash:Gary get out as far as i'm concerned i have no time for you.

Gary let out his balstiose but ash's pikachu used thunderbolt and it was unconscious.

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