Ghost Brooklyn Guy! Part 2

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Contain spoilers from Kable10's Brooklyn Guy Dies series

Last time on Ghost Brooklyn Guy Part 1...

Hank: Okay, Tony! You ready to go?

Mario: Hank, please you don't have to do this. Show some humanity!

Hank: Golly enough with the begging Marvin! Listen don't even give me time to beg when he did it to my family so I'm not giving you the right to beg either. This is happening whether you like it or not.

Brooklyn Guy tried to tackle Hank to the ground but he went through him!

Hank: Actually you know what? Now let's do the kid first!

Brooklyn Guy: Oh no I forgot I'm a ghost and ghosts can't touch anything! Oh my god we're screwed!

Hank: Remember Marvin? how you and Brooklyn Guy did it to me. Tony knows, he was there. First it was Timmy, then it was Susie, so we're doing your son first.

The Huckerdoos gathered toward Hank.

Timmy: Father...don't do this! Doing so won't bring us back!

Suzanne: I know you're upset that we're not here anymore, but please you have to move on!

Susie: Daddy stop!

Mario: Wait a minute! Hank, he had nothing to do with this, okay? Jeffy had nothing to do with this he wasn't even here when it happened! You got to let him go!

Hank: Do it, Tony. Do it.

Tony was ready to aim at Jeffy.

Brooklyn Guy: Oh god, not good at all! I can't do anything to stop this!

Marvin: Jeffy I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! Jeffy I didn't want to turn out like this!

Suddenly, Timmy then dashed and jumped in front of Jeffy!

Timmy: NO!!!


While ago...

Brooklyn Guy was on top of the roof on one of the houses.

Brooklyn Guy: I don't know what's happening right now. Is this afterlife? Is this how afterlife be like?


Brooklyn Guy: Huh? Who are you?!

"Do not be afraid, I'm a guardian spirit that guides new ghosts. It seems that your time on Earth is now over."

Brooklyn Guy: My time on Earth is...over? Oh right I remember, I was shot!

"You're now in the Ghost Realm, no one from the land of the living will able to hear or see you in-person. However, other ghosts can still see you in this realm."

Brooklyn Guy: I don't believe this, I'm not ready to go just yet!

"There's one question you would have to answer, that makes the reason for you to continue staying on Earth?"

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