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In the quiet of night, when the world sleeps,

I find a love so deep,

A love that's all my own,

A love that's for me alone.

It's a love that's gentle, like a flower's bloom,

Nurturing me, like the soil and sun,

A love that accepts me, flaws and all,

Like a comforting blanket, warm and soft.

This love is a constant, like the stars above,

Always present, like the moon's soft glow,

It whispers softly to me, "I'm always here,
To hold you tight".

Within me, no matter what obstacles I face.

It's a love I can count on,

Through good times and bad,

And no matter how dark the night may be,

This love lights the way,

Like a guiding lighthouse on the sea.

This love is steadfast, like a mighty oak,

Standing tall, unwavering,

In the midst of life's storms,

It's a love that keeps me grounded,

And helps me stay strong.

In my darkest moments, this love is a lifeline,

Like a lifeline to reality,

Pulling me back from the brink of despair

Holding me steady, until the storm passes by,

It's a love that keeps me going,

No matter how hard things get,

Like a steady, strong current,

Pulling me forward,

Always moving towards a brighter day.

This love is a comfort, like a warm embrace,

Keeping my heart full,

And filling me with hope,

Like a beacon of light,

Guiding me through the darkest of times.

This love is the foundation of who I am,

Like the bones of my body,

Supporting me, sustaining me,

And helping me grow and bloom into the best version of myself,

like a plant nourished by the sun's gentle rays.

This love is a constant,

like the steady rhythm of my heart,

Ever beating, always present,

It's a love that's always there, whether I realize it or not,

Like the air I breathe,

Surrounding me and nourishing me.

This love is a gift, a precious gift,

Given to me by life,

A gift to be cherished,

And nurtured,

Like a flower in the sunshine.

The Art of Self-Love: Vol 1 | PWhere stories live. Discover now