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In the depths of our souls, where our most hidden thoughts reside,

There lies a well of self-love, quietly awaiting to be discovered,

Like a treasure buried deep in the soil.

Self-love is a gentle flame, flickering inside of us,

Like a beacon guiding us through the dark,

Encouraging us to recognize our own worth and potential.

It's a love that doesn't depend on external validation,

Like a sturdy tree, standing tall on its own roots,

Unshaken by the storms of life,

Or swayed by the opinions of others.

Self-love is a silent whisper,

Urging us to embrace all parts of ourselves,

The good, the bad, and the ugly,

Like a parent loving their child unconditionally.

It's a love that doesn't waver or fade,

Even during the toughest times,

A love that remains constant and unwavering,

Like the flow of a river through the ages.

It's a love that's within reach,

Waiting for us to open our arms,

And embrace its healing power,

Like a ray of sunlight breaking through the clouds.

The Art of Self-Love: Vol 1 | PWhere stories live. Discover now