Chapter 46. Arriving at the stadium.

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After the painful torture they put you through about who you would choose, you got away. Well, if you would count turning invisible and running to your dorm as getting away then, yeah one hell of an exit girl.

Because in all honesty, you didn't know who you would choose and yet still didn't know if you even wanted to. Maybe you just wanted to wait until the future. When you were more stable, more mature. Who knows. Maybe. Maybe not. Maybe your in your Baddie On Point era (hun never be ashamed if you are called a BOP I promise it just means baddie on point😘😘)

Lately you'd been completely pushing yourself way past your limits in training. And tomorrow was the exam, you had to get as much sleep as you could.

And when tomorrow came, you woke up about 30 minutes earlier to get ready for the day and be out early, making sure to pick up your hero suit and other little essentials.

You styled your y/h/l hair comfortably and touched up on light makeup, can't exactly do a lot of makeup as a hero. Anyway, your phone buzzed and you paused your Alexa to answer Mina's FaceTime.

A couple hours later on a road trip to the exam site, your class were stood before the stadium where you were about to get your Provisional Hero License, you had no doubts for yourself, neither did Aunt nem, aizawa, all might or hizashi, they all showed you how proud they were and how excited they were for you in their own ways, and you couldn't let them down now.

You were just chatting with Mina while looking at all the other students when Aizawa did his little speech, "If you can pass this test and get your provisional licenses then you eggs will hatch into chicks, you'll be semi pros."

You let out a little chuckle, and so did Mina as he finished that sentence, he might not physically show it, like on his monotone face, but you knew he was rooting for you all.

"I expect your best." Was the last thing he said before talking to teachers from other schools.

"ALL RIGHT! I can't wait to be a heroic chicken!" Denki shouted as your fav teacher walked away.

You and Mina walked over to kiri and Denki, the goofy little pair never failed to make you laugh, I mean they practically shared their last brain cells.

"Hey guys.." kiri greeted but you didn't listen to the rest of his rambles as you caught the gaze of a boy with black hair, wow he was,

"Mina he's really cute." You whispered to her, however not quiet enough for kirishima and Denki to not hear, their faces both dropped and Denki immediately asking who in an offended manner.

"Ooh your not wrong, and he's totally eyeing you up!!!!" She excitedly whispered back to you, grasping your hands and shaking them while kirishima and Denki both shout 'WHO' at the same time like a pair of owls.

All was interrupted when 'inasa' interrupted someone and made a pretty loud scene apologising, and his class, Shiketsu, walked by, UA's rivalling school.

Sero and bakugo then join our little group, and they continue to talk but you and Mina's (short) attention (span) had been focused on Aizawa and Ms Joke "Let's get married"
'Awwwwwwwwww' you and Mina coo in unison squeezing each others hands.

Along with Joke were her class, and the cute guy who had been 'eyeing you up' AND HE WAS GETTING CLOSER.

"ohmygodohmygodohmygod" you frantically whispered to Mina as they arrived, and the guys you'd both left (to watch aizawa and joke of course) got closer behind you two almost protectively. I mean and this point you could basically call them your guard dogs.

He walks over to you and grabs your hand, bakugo stiffens behind you and you smile as he holds them,
"Hey pretty lady, I'm Shindo, I've been waiting for so long to meet you!"

You look up at him, still smiling even with a light blush on your face now too,

"You think I'm pretty?" You quickly laughed after "sorry stupid question, it's nice to meet-"

"Don't apologise princess! Of course I do, who doesn't!! Sorry 1A, but I might have to steal your sweetheart spidey." Hey says, with a little hint of condescension.

Your lips parted in shock a little as he kissed your hand and moved over to the others to meet them too, greeting izuku after you, but bakugo was having none of it, walking over to where izuku was, and you didn't hear what they were saying as you and Mina were fawning over the interaction, "HE CALLED YOU WHAT TODOROKI CALLS YOU!!" She whisper shouted, and then turned around at Shoto to see how he reacted, who was glaring at shindo as he talked to Izuku.

"Ohmygod y/n, look at the three of them. Like I said, you literally have them in the palm of your fricken hand! Todoroki and bakugo look like they're about to VISCIOUSLY. ATTACK. Kirishima is so faking that smile, look how tense he is, and Sero isn't even TRYING to hide his disgust."

"This pretty boy is gonna steal our girls! He's trying to steal our y/n." Kaminari groaned.

You looked over to Bakugo and Shindo talking,
"I'm gonna try my best to learn from you, I hope you don't mind!" Shindo held his hand out for the blonde to shake, only for the same blonde to smack it away and insult him, you rolled your eyes and continued talking to Mina as Kirishima butted in their convo.

"Hey! Get your costumes and head to orientation! There's no time to waste." Aizawa commanded as he walked away, and you were excited, only your class had seen each others upgraded suits and you just loved wearing it overall.

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