chapter 2 Elyot Group.

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Thus is a picture of ☆James◇

Elyot Returns home. To His group. ☆James◇ is a sorcerer, and Mike is an engineer.

"Hey guys" said Elyot

"Oh hi Elyot" said ☆James◇

"Oh hey" said Mike. As he Building something

"Mike What are you making" Elyot ask

"Oh I'm making a new Weapon." Said Mike

"What does it do?" Elyot ask

"It's like the bow and arrow, but it's kind of not. It has a new feature, so you can just load it from the front end. You just push a button so it could shoot the arrow automatically. And you can have better aim. I call it the crossbow." Said Mike

"That's very impressive but I don't use a bow. And arrow in this house. I don't. You don't and I know for fact that wizard guy over there don't." Said Elyot

"I just like making random things." Said Mike

"Oh ok Besides, you wizard dude um, what are you doing?" Elyot ask

"Oh I'm learning new spells and potions. And I'm a Sorcerer" said ☆James◇

"Wizards Sorcerer Is what's the difference?" Said Elyot

"Anyways, I'm learning how to cast teleportation spell now." Said ☆James◇

"Nice" said Elyot

"Ya Oh, by the way Elyot Does the Kingdom still think you stole that diamond cup? Was it?" Mike ask

"Yeah, they still think I stole that, but I don't. I have an Emerald cup." Said Elyot

"Ya That is so funny that they still think you stole it." Said ☆James◇

"Ya ☆James◇ Did you feed your pet? What was it again? That chess cruiser." Elyot ask

"First He is a mimic. And his name is Loot$ and Yes, I fed him today." Said ☆James◇

"Good" said Elyot as he walk To the Baccony and see a dragon

"Yo, there's a dragon." Said Mike

"And it looks hurt. We should help it." Said ☆James◇ as they Just realize Elyot was walking to the dragon

To be continued

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