chapter 5 the Is truth why the outcast became outcast?

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This is a picture of the red Knight.

"Hey ☆James◇ Elyot Mike I need your help" said Red Knight.

"What do you want" Said Elyot

"We need your help saving the princess." Said King ♤l3althasar♧

"Heheheheheheheeheheheh" said both ☆James◇ and Elyot and Mike

"Ummm What are you Laughing.
About it." Red Knight. Ask

"I think we will help you after everything you've done to us" said Elyot

"Yes, we've saved the princess so many times and while you're red night there, sit behind on his butt. And take all the credit. No, we're not helping you." Said ☆James◇

"What? I have never took any of your credits and you have never saved the princess but you deserve being an outcast." Said Red Knight.

"Really You claim that I have destroyed the entire town and took all the metal to make giant robot." Said Mike

"What That never happened" said King ♤l3althasar♧

"Yeah, and he claim that I caused a lightning storm that nearly killed your mom and dad Because I have And I quote a stick of Wooden metal." Said ☆James◇

"Well yeah, those are all true, but still make sense." Said Red Knight.

"What that doesn't make sense."Said King ♤l3althasar♧

"Ya and he claimed that I took your daughter's diamond cup.I don't like diamond.I like emeralds" said Elyot

"What!!!" Said King ♤l3althasar♧

"But I kill The last of the Mimic dragons." Said Red Knight.

Moonlight:*roa*( What?No i'm the last of the mimic dragons.)

"But I have the last of the mimic dragons as my pet." Said Elyot

"What I clearly killed it. I have the skeleton. See, this is a skull of the last 'mimic' dragon." Said Red Knight.

"That's not a mimic dragon skull. It's too small." Said ☆James◇

"What. I made that armor for you and i Make it look so future realistic, and yet it was all for Nothing you don't dissolve wearing that armor." Said King ♤l3althasar♧

"What" said Red Knight.

"I am sorry for the damage. He has Cause you, he doesn't deserve wearing the armor and he no longer be the red Knight.You will just be a knight so you can keep his armor." Said King ♤l3althasar♧

"What no" said Red Knight then he drop The diamond cup.

"You stole the diamond cup." Said Elyot

"Yes I wanted you to get in trouble you and your little friends so you guy can leave the village.Cause none of you deserve to be in the village" said Red Knight.

"Oh so you don't deserve to be in this village now" said King ♤l3althasar♧

"I didn't kill a Mimic dragon, but I will now." Said Red Knight. As he grab his sword and about to kill Moonlight

"No You will not" said Elyot as he run to Moonlight and got cut

Moonlight:*roa*(no) *she kill Red Knight*

"Elyot" said Everybody ☆James◇ use his Healing spell.

"You know what you want your daughter? *he Use his teleport spell To teleport his daughter to him.* There you have your daughter now leave." Said ☆James◇

"Dad What Happen" ask ♧Jessie♤

"Honey, let's leave. I am sorry for everything. I will try my best to make everything that my Red night. did right?" Said King ♤l3althasar♧ as he and ♧Jessie♤ Leave and went back home

To be continued

the story of an outcast and a dragon.Where stories live. Discover now