(End) Chapter 21

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It had been months after our grandiose wedding. I must admit I am the luckiest person in the world. I love her, and she is a wonderful person. We had our honeymoon in different parts of the world. And I'm so happy... Well, almost happy...


I look at the pictures of Freen's ancestors. Then my eyes lingers on the picture of the ultrasound picture of my unborn baby, Nigel Vincent. I remembered Grandma telling me that there is only one Sarocha in every generation. I lost my chance of having Freen's baby. I can't bear a child anymore.

Before Freen and I get married, my sister force me to do a check up with her. And the doctor told me honestly that because of the accident I had, I may or may not be conceiving a child in the future. I was devastated.

There might be a chance that I can't get pregnant anymore? I can't do that with Freen. So, I broke off the engagement with her, telling her the truth.

"What are you talking about? You're breaking up with me because of that reason?" Freen angrily said.

I love Freen but I can't do this to her. I'm not selfish. I'm doing this for her. "Freen, please try to understand. There's a chance I might not get pregnant anymore. I know you want a child of your own and-"

She cuts me off by grabbing my wrist, pulling me against her. "I don't care if you can't get pregnant anymore. I don't care if we can't have a child anymore. I don't care! I love you and that is all that matters." She kiss me but I pull away.

"Freen, I can't-"

"Oh shut up Bec. You do know that you're still married to me right? And this wedding is just going to be our second right? So technically you are still my wife even if you fail to fulfill your duties for the past 2 years, I don't mind. As long as you are mine, and I am yours."

Tears welled in my eyes as she kissed me passionately, not letting me go.

"What are you doing here baby?" I turn around to come face to face with my gorgeous wife.

It was almost midnight when I left her alone in our room.

Freen wrap me around her arms. Her hands settle on my stomach. She kisses the back of my head.

"We tried several times already..." I murmured. "The doctor said I may or may not get pregnant so there's still a chance right?"

"We just have to wait. There's no need to rush things." she said.

I pout and look away, "What if the accident really caused me to be infertile?"

Freen lifts my chin, "If we can't have another baby, it's okay. I already told you that."

I furrow my eyebrows at her. She told me multiple times but I know she's still hoping for it, just like me.

"All I'm saying is, I don't want you to be sad and lonely. If it's God's will that we can't have one anymore, I'm going to accept it and you should accept it too."

"Grandma is really looking forward for a great grandchild. I know she has hopes too. I don't want to disappoint her." I said softly.

"Babe, Grandma loves you and she accepted you no matter what. She absolutely adores you. Frankly, for me, it's ok that we don't have a baby."

I glare at her. "Liar."

She chuckles, "No, think about it. Before, it was clear that we were forcefully married because of the baby inside you. But right now? We marry because we love each other. I love you Becky. I can't imagine myself without you. Baby or no baby."

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