Chapter 1

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  "Come here little girl!" The old southern hunter shouted. The young deer-human girl had escaped the house and was running through the forest. While looking around she fell down on a steep slope. Then the hunter caught up. "Why, hello there!" The hunter said reaching down to grab her. She tried to get up but the man grabbed her by the arm."Stop!" She shouted.
The man stumbled back in shock. "Little girl, don't you know your manners?" He yanked the girl up and took her back to a strange farm. Once they arrived he threw her into a large pen and walked away angrily. The pen seemed to be surrounded by chicken wire and sharp pieces of wood. "Ouch.." The girl whimpered. Another little deer girl got up and walked towards her happily. "Hello! Are you okay?" She looked at her swollen arm and bruised body. "Yeah I guess so...uh-what's your name?" The other girl answered quietly. "I'm Erie. What's your name?" She smiled brightly and tilted her head. "I'm Millie." The other girl responded with a worriedly. "What's wrong?" "He's coming back." She uttered quietly. "What?" "Shhh." The man came back with a bat in hand. "So how are y'all doin' over here?" The hunter asked with an uncanny expression. "Good."  "Okay, just checkin in on y'all ." He walked away humming. "Phew." They both said. "How come it's just us?" Erie asked.
"The others have been taken away somewhere else, I haven't seen or heard from them since," Millie said nervously. "I fear they have been taken away and harvested, like as food..."  Erie gasped and her ears slowly dropped. She was shocked and confused. Millie sighed and decided to not think about it anymore. Erie walked away and sat in a corner with her knees to her chest and her head buried in her knees. "Hey, it will be okay!" Millie said softly. "I don't-I don't understand..." Erie said sadly. The old man came back with an unsettling smile on his face. "You girls are coming with me." He said demandingly. "No we aren't!" Millie said abruptly. The man grabbed her and Erie's arms and pulled them out of the pen. "There you go." He said annoyed. Millie and Erie's ears perked up while another man strolled up to them. "Hello young girls." The mysterious man said softly. He was wearing a black suit and had dark brown hair. He looked about 25-30 years old with pale skin and a kind expression on his face. The hunter let go of their arms and walked away. "What's your name's?" Millie and Erie both looked at each other and answered precisely. "I'm Millie." "And I'm Erie." "Well, those are very pretty names," The man said with a strange twinge of sarcasm. "My name is Zero. I'm the founder of Humanoid corp." He boasted. "Oh." Erie sighed. "Come, follow me." He started walking and it seemed the only choice the girls had was to follow. As they slowly made their way to the car he suddenly stopped and examined the numbers on the girls necks. "Uhm..what are you doing?" The girls questioned curiously. Zero then shrugged and helped them in the car. "I will now refer to you as 54." Zero said to Millie. Millie glanced at Erie and stammered:"Wha-why?" "And I will refer to you as 55." He said to Erie. They both exchanged a worried look."Why?" She asked. "That's the number on your neck." He said rather nonchalantly. "Number on my ne- oh...that number...." Millie said annoyed but concerned. Erie looked into the the car and found two small syringes covered in blood sitting on the floorboard. She gasped. "Oh my gosh." She said under her breath. Zero was getting the car ready when she pointed at the syringes to Millie. Millie gasped and shuddered uneasily. They both contemplated if they should run off or not. "Hop in." Zero gestured to the inside of the car. "Oh-uhm." Erie looked at Millie for what to say. Before they could say anything, Zero shoved them in and got in the front seat. The car looked nice with leather seats and tinted windows. Millie and Erie shrieked. "Please don't be loud." Zero said. "Just sit back there." Erie begged to get out. "Why would you want to get out? I'm going to protect you and her, and bring you to Humanoid corp!" He said manipulating the young girls. The girls frantically tried banging on the windows and doors realizing they fell into his trap. "Stop doing that. This car is expensive." Zero explained with an uncanny smile. Erie started crying while Millie was trying to calm her down. "You girls need to stop panicking. You'll be fine." Zero said trying to control the situation. "No! Get us out of here!" Millie shouted. A little later they arrived at 'humanoid corp' and Zero opened the door for the girls generously. The two girls stumbled out and gazed around.  Erie looked over at Millie and widened her eyes. Millie tilted her head to the side curiously. Millie peered behind Erie and saw two extremely strong men standing by the entrance doors.  Millie stared at the large men for a second before Zero took the girls by the shoulders. "Aren't you excited? This is your new home!" He let go of the girls and looked proudly at the building. "Uh...Who are they...?" Erie asked nervously, pushing away the fact he called this their 'new home.' "Oh them?" He pointed towards the big men and then smiled. "Heh, they are going to guard the building, so no one breaks in...!" He fixed his suit then motioned for the girls to follow him. "That behavior you had in the car will not be happening again. Do you understand?" Both Erie and Millie gulped and laughed nervously. "Eh...yeah..?" Erie finally answered. "Great." The girls slowly started to follow Zero into the building, passing the guards. "Welcome to Humanoid Corp!" Zero spun and then smirked at the girls. He headed towards a nearby door, leaning on the wall beside it. "Here's your room." Both the girls walked in slowly and he shut the door behind them. "I'll come get you later!" Zero locked the door and walked off silently. The girls panicked slightly when they realized the door was locked, but decided not to freak out too much. "Wha-What is all of this?" Millie kneeled down and pointed to the blood dripping from a nearby pipe. "Eww! What is that?" Erie walked over and shook her head. "This is really weird...why didn't we just run while we had the chance?!" Erie started to panic. "Because we wouldn't have been able to know that." Millie tried to be sincere but it wasn't working very well. Erie sighed and rubbed her hands together. "So now what? We wait for our demise?" She attempted a carefree demeanor but ended up sounding even more terrified. Zero came back and knocked on the door before going into the room. Once he walked in the girls backed up all the way to the wall, hitting the bloody pipe. "Ew." Zero chuckled and walked over to the girls. He noticed the blood dripping and shrugged. "We really need to get some cleaners. Your clothes are dirty now." His tone sounded amused and annoyed at the same time. He stared at Erie and then at Millie and sighed. "Lighten up!" He strutted up closer to them and shook his head smiling. He squinted his eyes and kneeled down so he looked at the girls directly. They both shuddered and laughed nervously. Zero looked back at the door and glanced at the camera on the ceiling. It was looking directly at him and the girls. Suddenly he frowned and got up fixing his suit. He had started towards the door until Millie grabbed his arm. "Hm?" He turned around and raised an eyebrow. Millie blinked and waited a moment before finally saying: "W-why are we here..?" Zero didn't reply but just smiled smugly. Erie watched in horror as Zero snatched Millie by the arm and dragged her out the door. She froze with fear, like her feet were rooted to the ground. It all happened so fast, Millie kicking and punching while shouting for help, Zero yelling and groaning while attempting to get her through the door. Finally Erie snapped back to reality and tried to stop Zero by grabbing at his torso and legs. Zero kicked them back and brushed his hands on his suit. "Okay. Okay. Look, you," he pointed at Erie. "And you," he pointed at Millie. "Have to come with me. I'm just trying to give you a tour." He sighed and gave an exhausted smile. His expression softened as he looked at the two girls. He opened the door and walked out, holding the door wide for the girls. They both stepped out slowly, glancing around the room. After they walked out he shut it and locked it back. "Alright." He started walking ahead of the girls, motioning to other employees wearing lab coats and holding medical supplies. He waved and nodded his head towards them. The room was strangely spacious and quiet, too quiet. There stood tall cylinders full with weirdly colored liquids. Eerie and Millie exchanged anxious looks. Their footsteps echoed as they entered a hallway. The girls shivered and looked up at Zero as they walked down the hallway. It had doors leading down on both sides. Suddenly a scream was heard coming from behind a door beside them. Zero nudged the girls ahead and laughed it off. There was an arch leading out of the hallway and into a large cafeteria. It smelled of blood and fried chicken. "Ah, the cafeteria. This is where you two will be eating." He walked into the cafeteria with his arms tucked behind his back. The girls eyes flickered from one table to another. Filled with chattering kids and laughing adults behind the cafeteria counter. It seemed awfully different compared to the previous room, it seemed a lot more lively. Zero waved and smiled at some children and scowled at the laughing workers. The girls nervously formed a small smile on their lips as they walked past all the children. When they exited the cafeteria doors Zero paused. "Alright, now I'm going to show you your ACTUAL room." The girls looked confused. "What do you mean, ACTUAL room? What room were we in earlier?" Erie asked impatiently. Zero shook his head. "That was a, PLACEHOLDER room." He sprawled his hands beside his head as if teasing the girls.
"Yes! Placeholder! You see," he headed down the hallway again. Turning past a corner. "That room is always being used for newcomers, once we get together an ACTUAL room, the newcomers are immediately shoved into it." He walked gingerly through the hallway, facing the girls and walking backwards. He made hand motions for EVERYTHING he said. The girls almost started laughing. Once he saw he was amusing the girls he smiled and turned back around. "Okay, now here is your room." He opened the door and gestured to the interior. The girls walked in with awe. The room had pink bunk beds and a white and pink striped carpet. It also had a bathroom and a small closet for the girls. The walls looked a little rusty and moldy, but had been painted a light pink color to try and cover it all up. A few pipes were propped up in the bathroom. The girls paused before turning around. Zero was leaning against the doorway grinning and having his arms crossed. There was a long silence before Zero pushed himself off the doorway and put his hands in his pockets. He stood up straight and walked closer to the girls. "You like it?" The girls took a few more glances around the room before hesitantly nodding. "Great, great. I'll go get your new clothes." He walked out the room before the girls could say anything. "What do we do now?" Erie asked.
"Wait till he comes back I guess..." Millie replied. She plopped on the bed and picked at the pink bedspread. Eerie climbed to the top bunk and started staring at the door waiting for it to open.
Zero walked down the hallway whistling and humming. He passed all the doors and went down a new direction past the last door. There was a sign above the doorway that read: "GIRLS." He opened it and observed the contents. After he picked out the clothes for the girls, he shut the closet door back and headed to their room.
The girls waited impatiently on their beds when they heard a heavy knock on their door. Millie got up and opened it nervously. Zero barged in happily and gave her the clothes he was holding. She stumbled back and looked down at them thoughtfully. It was two white dresses that had light red stains and a small stitched on flower on the collar. She threw them onto the bed with a disgusted look. "What is all that stuff on it?!" She almost shouted. Zero raised his eyebrows, frowned and put his arms behind his back once again. But he gave no reply. He just shrugged and smirked instinctively. "I'll give you ladies time to change." He said and left the room again. Millie stormed off to the bathroom and slowly put on the gross dress. Eerie got off the bunk and started changing into the dress carefully. After they were both done changing they both inspected the clothes. "These are disgusting! Are we supposed to wear these all the time?" Millie exasperated.
"I hope not...mine has a hole in it..." she gestured to the gash in the shoulder. Millie gasped and shook her head. "We gotta find a way to escape this place...I can't live here forever!" She cried out. Eerie's ears dropped and she sighed softly. After a while Zero came by again and opened their door silently. Then he walked past and opened up all the other doors. Children came running out happily. Eerie and Millie both walked out slowly and followed the crowd of children. They were led to a strange room with toys and weird lighting. After Millie and Eerie had walked around a bit and explored the newly discovered room, Zero walked behind them and into the room dramatically. The children all turned their attention to him. Eerie and Millie did too.
"Hello children, how are you all doing?" He shouted. They all answered "GOOD." In unison. Zero walked towards the girls and smiled. "We have a few new members...welcome 54 and 55!" He gestured to the girls. Everyone clapped. They both exchanged uneasy glances. He brought the girls to the front and grinned. Holding them by their shoulders, he stood up straight and cleared his throat. Both Millie and Erie awkwardly fiddled with their dirty dresses while all the children watched intently. Zero broke the silence. "54 and 55 are both half deer half human. They are VERY sweet and obedient right?" He looked down at the girls with an uncanny grin. They both gulped and sighed before nodding slowly. "Very well then, go play with the others." He let go and pointed towards all the children. "You guys be nice now." He walked out the room and strutted down a far hallway. All the kids went back to playing and the girls shrugged and looked around the strange little room. It had plain white walls and checkered black and white floors. No windows. It looked like the room was molding slightly. Once again covered up by lumpy layers of paint. One little boy with puppy ears sticking out of the side of his head walked up to the girls curiously. His eyes looked tired and dark. His skin was spotted slightly. He smiled at the girls warmly. "Hi...I'm 23..." the boy muttered. Erie and Millie both looked down at him and nervously smiled. "H-Hi...?" Erie rubbed the back of her head slowly. The boy stared at them for a few minutes before turning around and walking towards a group of other children. Each one of the kids in the room were half human-half animal. They all glanced at her curiously.

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