2. Inspection

27 2 0

Timeskip: Noon
Setting: Galaxy Casino

The night was dawning ahead of everyone in this godforsaken place. It was early enough for me though, as I had my hair nicely done and a headset attached to my glasses- the cord nicely blended in and wasn't visible to the naked eye.
I fixed my suits collar as I went through the slide-able stained glass door, which had some pretty heavy security guarding it. I was stopped by a guy much taller than me, who seemed to be around 6'7 ish.
"ID and entrance pass?" The low baritone voice spoke with a demanding tone. I flashed them my FBI and job ID, before he backed off respectfully and nodded.
I walked through just fine, and there was a lot of big company-men here. A few monopolies as well, but I quickly found my target.

A bit smaller than me, perky personality, snarky attitude. Brown hair and fire bolded eyes with light brown tips of his eyebrows and hair, which complimented his light complexion. The dude was dressed in some stupidly rich clothing, some designer jacket over the expensive patterned shirt and some black designer pants. The fire logo I recognized from his case file was engraved on the side, and the kid looked clueless to his surroundings. His dad on the other hand was busy throwing dice and getting all of the red and green chips at the table they were standing at, caring only about the game.

I scanned my other surroundings, finding a surprising interest in the bar and how many seemingly suspiciously armed men were there. The usual security was around and about, but the host of the party was strutting around and greeting his guests. I had to stay under the radar, so I simply moved to an area he had already checked.

The hosts name was NightFoxx- a humanoid hybrid fox with a backbone for gambling and specialities, his hair and tail had a galaxy inspired pelt. The guy had a fairly tanner complexion and black stripes on his cheekbones that almost resembled a tigers.
He wore a purple thin cloth around his neck that looked similar to a belt you'd commonly wear around your head- an astronomy inspired dark purple suit with different planets engraved on it with jewels, and perked ears. The guy was 6'2 easy, and was an easy intimidator. Most Robloxians have that trait, but he takes it to another level.
I looked around some more, seeing lots and lots of fancy guests, but then I saw people I knew outside of my job. Which would.. entirely, ruin my mission. So staying away from these people was a must.

My target, Preston, excused himself from the game and B-lined to the elevators. There was an upper floor for arcades, the 10-ish levels of the building was primarily lockers and storage, but the rooms themselves were in the 20s. It would be vital to follow him, as anyone at this party could be an assassin trying to kill Preston.

I quickly walked past the waiters who had just come from the bar, and I helped myself to a glass of wine before chugging it, placing it next to some very drunken rich person, and I followed Preston to his elevator and went inside with him. There was a classy-looking woman with him who I assumed to be his mother now due to the generally identical features, and an unrelated [assumedly] rich friend of the family.
I caught the elevator just with a niche of time before it closed. Going up was an awkward experience as I overheard a conversation between his mother and the older man beside me, and in a way they were.. flirting? Yuck.

That's when I realized quickly I really did make a good decision. I eyed this guys belt to look for an ID, instead found a hidden handgun and a hunting knife beside each other due to his shirt being untucked probably from Preston's mother.


The older guy laughed.


Preston began to seem uncomfortable and made a snarky remark to his mother.


His mother is unhappy with him and dismisses the young adult in front of me and this other guy, to probably embarrass him.


23rd floor. I eye Preston and his mother leave, before the old man goes to go into his back pocket and follow them-
I grab his collar, choking him due to the suit being fully buttoned- pull him back and swiftly hit the close door button of the elevator. I clicked the 20th floor as he drew his handgun, he muttered something evil to me. "Hands up, spy. I got a job to do."
I flick his handgun back, twist his arm and disarm him of the gun. Then with quick thinking, I shoot just below his kneecaps causing him to buckle onto the floor in a few measly seconds, the elevator dinging which intensely timed my quick-thinking disarming of the assassin. He thrived in pain as I pocketed his gun, watched the elevator doors open, and I booked it to the stairs after clicking the basement button of the elevator.

I ran to the stairs with a burning pound in my chest, despite me only being two floors away from the target.

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