3. Runthrough

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I lightly cringed at my paranoia and latched the door shut to the elevators, the small chain would buy me a hot minute. Of course the 23rd floor was crowded due to this being the 'rich people floor' and whatnot, but it was still hell to navigate through. That was until I saw two security guards burst through the stairways, out of breath- but they had a stern face. That alone was a red flag. Very red flags..

I ran through the different corridors as I heard a buzz in my earpiece. "Crafted? Crafted? Come in, Crafted?" The voice glitched. I clicked my tongue and whispered into my hand; "What the-? Who is this?"
The voice sighed in relief. "My name is TanqR, I'm the leading detective and respondent for the FBI. You have five assassins on the way, three assassins approaching your floor and one somewhere in an elevator-"
"I got the one in the elevator." I quickly snapped. "Heading to the target's room now, try to keep- stalking me, I guess?" I scratched the back of my head awkwardly before knocking on the door to Preston's room in the Casino- but then I heard a blood-curdling scream, as well as gunshots. The hallway was still somehow chatty and ignored the scream.

I relapsed, went into full panic mode. I kicked in the door as I was met with a pistol pointed at me, and with sharp reflexes I barely dodged a bullet. I felt the hot air pass me as I took the back end of my now empty [and borrowed] handgun, striked the person's nose and neck, before elbowing them in the stomach and ultimately tripping this assassin. I threw the useless shell of a weapon across the room, and with a head turn, I saw the spare bedroom door opened with a crack, and I ran into it before locking the door with a slam.

I was given a few moments of silence as I knew I messed up the person's nose pretty badly- scanning the room, I saw Preston, hiding under his bed. I quickly signaled for him to get up, which he did and the banging began fast.

"What- What the fuck is going on?!" He shrieked, but I put my hand over his mouth. "Listen kid, my names Crafted, you're being witch-hunted like crazy. You need to come with me, like, right now."
"Is this some prank?" He scoffed in my face. The door almost knocked itself in, and that's when he panicked. I sighed loudly, grabbed a gun from my waistband and turned back to Preston.
"Gather what you need and stay the ever loving hell out of my range of fire. And I mean what you need, not the tacky-[ass] clothes."
He scoffed again, similar to an entitled princess, but did what he was told before the door got kicked in.

I shot the now visible woman in the upper chest, and she barely responded despite lunging at me. With a confused look, I twisted my shoulders away from her and let her crash against the window, which couldn't take her weight and ultimately shattered.
I brushed off the initial shock before grabbing Preston by the arm. By now my adrenaline had kicked in and I wasn't too worried nor did I care if I necessarily was tugging or hurting Preston at this point, because it was life or death.
Bzzt. "Two coming at you from the elevators. If you have Preston, take the stairs to the locker rooms, they won't find you there." TanqR spoke through my earpiece.

Preston looked confused that I nodded at air but decided not to question the guy that was saving his life.
I hit the shut door button faster than my dodging capabilities, and Preston just uncomfortably looked around with a borderline panicked expression. I looked at him, slightly worried, but my attention was taken when the doors to the elevator abruptly opened.
A hooded figure lunged and swiped Preston's cheek with a dagger, but it wasn't even deep enough to leave a scar per say thanks to me practically ripping them off of Preston, and.. my first headshot of today with my pistol.

Preston looked disgusted and was in the corner holding his face, now trembling. "WHAT THE HELL?!" He screamed, right in sync with the elevator dinging down into the tens. "No time to explain. Stay on your toes." I ordered him, and he was now getting to the point of tears- something that would overwhelm this situation for me entirely.

Luckily, the elevator miraculously made it back down and I ran/tugged Preston along before I heard loud chatter, we turned and ran the other way. The place was just filled with lockers after locker, and so I just went to a random open locker and closed ourselves in it, leaving Preston's messily made bag on the side as this locker was pretty damn massive. Probably for the people who didn't want to buy a room here, these lockers were probably cheaper.

"Can I ask what the hell is going on now?!" Preston hissed, as I fished a bandaid from my suit pocket to give to Preston. Preston took it and quickly applied it over his wound and waited impatiently for his response, and I just looked at him with a timid expression.
"Well, in simpler terms, people want to kill you and have your dad repay some stuff, etcetera etcetera.." I shrugged, but the sound of a locker slamming beside us crashed my weight into his own.

I stared at his eyes then peered outside of the locker by the three slits, and Preston was dead quiet. There was chatter- "They must've taken the stairs. We've been tricked again, damnit!" One person said.
"One spy did this to three of our assassins.. I got a bone to pick with this guy." The second person barked. The first person nodded. "We better call K for this, because damn this guys good."

"K?" Me and Preston whispered in unison. The two guys made a quick detour to the stairs and booked it.

I sighed a sweet relief as Preston shifted under my hands. "When can I get outta here, this dumb situation is ruining my looks.." Preston complained, I just rolled my eyes. "You're telling me you just saw your mother being murdered and you're worrying about your looks-? Y'know what, you rich people are strange." I facepalmed in which Preston gave me a grudgeful glare.

After a few minutes of catching our breath, a buzz was heard from my headset. Preston listened with an eavesdropping type of intention, and TanqR spoke lowly. "Listen carefully. There are keys to a gray newer-modeled SUV in the locker adjacent to yours, and there are assassins crowding the main lobby. Take the elevator to the first floor but go through the kitchen emergency exit, the car should be right there."

"That's such a bad idea, and what about my dad?-"
"Your dad is with a police officer right now. The assassins don't want to kill him, it's you primarily Preston." I heard this and felt a bead of sweat travel down my face. One wrong move and I could kill him by accident.

"Why me, why me.." He groaned, opening the locker. I protectively darted to where i was instructed to grab the keys, and Preston lightly peered through other peoples lockers before I grabbed his arm. "Now is NOT the time to go shopping." I yelled, as he had now picked up a random protein bar and was chowing down on it.

I internally screamed at him but kept my composure knowing I was two steps away from saving this god forsaken child of an adult.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14 ⏰

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