Alastor Listens To Reggae Chapter 2: Temple In Man by Nga Han

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After another long day Alastor was ready for some R & R. Pouring himself another glass of rye, it was also time for him to figure out what to listen to while he drank. But what?

Last night he had listen to Bob Marley's Exodus, a fine record indeed. Maybe tonight Alastor would try another one of Marley's records perhaps?

For whatever reason the thought did not appeal to him. He wanted to hear someone a little more unknown try their hand at the genre known as Reggae. But who?

With that question still hanging over Alastor's head he once again summoned Husk.

"Oh goddammit, what do you want this time?" Husk exclaimed.

"My dear, dear Husk, I need someone to use that newfangled internet for me to find a Reggae album for me to listen to. You do know how I abhor having to use that thing!" Alastor explained.

"Uggghh, fine!" Husk exhaled as he got on his smartphone.

"I'm looking for an album that is obscure but good. I'm looking for hidden gems."

After a while Husk said "How about Temple In Man by Nga Han?"

"Why I've never heard of them. Is the album any good?" Alastor inquired.

"I sure hope so. I've never heard them myself but some people seem to like them," Husk responded.

"Well maybe I'll give them a listen. One has to have an open mind after all, give in to chance on occasion and what not," Alastor replied.

And with that Alastor unsummoned Husk, sending him back to the bar where he could indulge in his alcoholism.

Now then, it was time to try this Temple in Man album by the musical group known as Nga Han. He summoned the record on the record player, began playing it, sat back and began to enjoy his glass of rye.

And so began the first song, Days Gone Past, which started with the sound of running water to set the scene. And then came the brass section and tambourine, soon followed by the guitar, rhythm section and was that a harp? The lyrics and vocals were hazy, not quiet nostalgic but called out to remember what's come before, a call that would surely have its own troubles as the lyrics and vocals were reminiscent of the fog of haze that usually clouds our memories, where we're not sure what exactly occurred or not. It did not have that many other lyrics besides the titular words. Eventually the lyrics began calling out for integrity and honesty and what not. Did those exist in the past? Are they abandoned virtues or did they ever really exist in the first place? It was hard to tell through the fog that this song made the listener cognizant of.

A song titled Once Again played next, keeping with the theme of time that the previous song had established. Continued religious practices permeated the lyrics, which made Alastor feel like the song was about showing the benefits of consistency that exist in the world. God always talking to people throughout time, people enduring the world's hardships, all of these were repeating in a loop throughout time. Alastor felt like the song was mildly hopeful, while acknowledging the struggles that exist in the world. At least these struggles could be pinpointed in a universal cycle.

Then it was time for the titular song, Temple In Man, which began with a faint gong like sound, before getting into the full swing of things. Though the lyrics were hard to make out, they seemed to be expressing the inevitability of things. Like the last song it seemed to mark certain things as inevitable, like certain things existed throughout time. The song also encouraged people to look deep inside themselves, find the spiritual power within. Alastor knew however that he had been cursed by god to Hell, and so couldn't really emotionally connect. If Alastor had a spiritual power it was a dark one. He knew that he was accursed from the very beginning.

After the titular song came Prayer, a song that repeatedly called for the listener to pray for a never revealed 'them'. A song whose sole purpose seemed to be about the power of prayer. Alastor couldn't quite appreciate the song for he knew how worthless a prayer in Heaven was. Nevertheless he continued to listen, with the caveat that he might abandon ship if the next song was too spiritual.

Up next was a song titled Revolute, which began promisingly enough, indicating that something powerful to happen. Though it then continued with lyrics discussing extending one's soul to the needy, Alastor kept listening, feeling that this song was somehow different than the last two songs. However the feeling was a bit unfounded as the song continued what Alastor felt was over spiritual overtones. It did move on to calling for a rising, but Alastor had had enough of messages of people power too. In Hell all one really had to rely on was one's own self.

Alastor decided to end the record there and then. Though he liked the first two songs, he did not find much to enjoy as he did with Exodus. Perhaps reggae was not entirely for him. At the very least he knew he would have to avoid the overly religious aspects of the genre.

Should he continue to explore reggae though? Alastor decided to table that question until he had listened to a few more albums. Maybe even if the entirety of reggae wasn't for him there were still some albums left to uncover. At the very least there was more for him to explore as he continued his much needed break from jazz.

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