With a pour of rye Alastor once again turned his attention to his record player. What was he going to listen to while drinking tonight?
He had been disappointed with last night's album, which when had previously happened he ended up turning to the music of Bob Marley since Marley was a reliable source for good reggae music. So Alastor summoned Bob Marley's Natty Dread and began to play that.
Downstairs Husk noticed that he had not been summoned to Alastor's room tonight. That was fine by him, any moment out from under that creep's thumb was a good one.
Husk poured himself a glass of Bourbon, partly to drown his own sorrows and partly because he needed to wash down today's experience of seeing that man again.
Husk had gone out of his way to avoid learning the name of that man. Somehow he felt that would make things worse.
Earlier today Alastor had ordered Husk to see that man to collect the money that the man earned for Alastor. Husk suspected that Alastor took a sick sort of pleasure in forcing him to interact with that man, that Alastor knew exactly how sick coming into contact with that man made Husk feel but did so anyways out of a perverse sense of glee.
That man had holed up in the middle of the worst part of Hell where all the real losers stayed. People in the same ballpark as child molesters that the rest of hell wouldn't even touch. The man stayed there to save money so that he could be with her, his entirety of his existence in Hell was built around her.
See the man had a wife, had. She apparently had gotten into Heaven. The man obviously was not so lucky.
Husk was there when the man first came to Alastor. The cries, oh how that man cried. Husk could still vivdly remember his shrieks, sometimes they even haunted Husk at night. They were the cries of a man who knew he had had sinned, by god did he realize he had sinned. The cries of a man who knew he had no one to blame but himself.
To hear her voice, to hear her over the radio, that's what he made a deal with Alastor for. He knew it wasn't real but he still exchanged his soul for it. Just to hear her say it was ok. To hear her forgiveness.
Alastor even promised him that if he earned Alastor enough money that he could get a radio that sounded just like a kid. A child radio for them to raise together.
The thought of such an ersatz family sickened Husk. Such an ending was almost certainly too cruel a punishment for whatever the man had done, but the man was still living this punishment day out and in, and Alastor was profiting off of it, and Husk, well Husk was just stuck seeing the man curled up around the radio he wanted so badly to be his wife.
Husk had seen his fair share of shocking things in Hell, sexual depravity and cruel acts of violence, but something about that man really drove him to drink. Well at least Husk had the means to do so. Husk downed glass after glass of bourbon to fight the feelings at bay.
Upstairs Alastor finished Bob Marley's Natty Dread album. He had found that Bob Marley's music sure had a way with a bass line. Additionally he was taken with how much Bob Marley's vocals could fill out a song, making what should be repetitive sections into breaths of fresh air. Alastor was once again pleased with Marley's variety of songs that still remained true to the core tenets of reggae. Though he might have enjoyed some songs more than others, he still found himself always entertained during Marley records, and this was no exception. It seemed like Marley had always been looking for new ways to innovate while keeping some things consistent enough to create a comforting experience for the listener.

Alastor Listens To Reggae [Hazbin Hotel Fanfic]
Hayran KurguA Hazbin Hotel fan fic in which Alastor begins his deep dive into the genre known as Reggae.