Caught in a Daydream

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Scribble, scribble, scribble.
My pencil went back and forth on the paper, paying little attention to the teacher.  I went to a 'smart class'. I don't know how I got A's on my report card when talking to my friend, writing a story, or drawing.

I hate all the work my teacher gives me unless it's writing or drawing.

Scribble, scribble.

I keep on writing my story about a tiny fairy who has an adventure with other fantasy creatures.

I bite the bottom of my pencil, thinking about what to write next.

Hm.. A werewolf? No, I already had that interaction. Uhm.. Ooh! I think, my head popping up and continuing to write.

I quickly glance up and immediately stop writing after I see the whole class staring at me, including the teacher.

Mrs. Hinz was the kind of teacher who was super strict but tried to seem like she was the nicest teacher ever.

I froze, my eyes moving side to side.

"Aurora, could you repeat what I just said?" She asked, slowly smiling as I tried to look behind her at the board to see if there were any symbols that I knew of right now.

I thought I would be safe from situations like this by sitting in the back, I guess I was wrong.
My friend who sat next to me leaned over to me and whispered,

"we're learning about probability."

Sydney was actually smart, like, really smart. She knows how to do calculus, whatever that is. She even skipped a grade, and she's pretty popular. Everyone wants to be her friend, but I got lucky by her asking me to be her friend. I of course said yes.

The teacher turned back to me as she still wanted an answer.

I confidently said, "We're learning about prob.. Uh.."

My brain just stopped, like it shut off.
Mrs. Hinz nodded slowly, signaling I was in the right direction.

"Pro..probability!!" I yell out, finally remembering.

"I didn't expect you to know that, Aurora. You may sit down now." Mrs. Hinz said, calmly.

I realized I stood up when I remembered, and I got quite embarrassed as some of the kids laughed.

I slowly sat down as she continued her lesson.
Scribble scribble.

I didn't care what my teacher said, the only thing I cared about was my little fairy, whose name I didn't know. I decided to do a little sketch of the fairy floating around.

I can never pay attention. It's just a thing my brain does. Like when I was born the doctor took apart my brain and removed the 'paying attention' section and replaced it with 'creativity'.

"Why do you never pay attention, Aurora?"

Jack said. He was a special boy. He always was biting his lip and looking wall-eyed.

"Because I just can't."

I think I have an attitude as well, although everyone has an attitude, I just have more than others.

"Okay, you don't have to be mean about it."

"I wasn't trying to be mean."

"Aurora, pay attention." Mrs. Hinz stated crossly.

What? Jack started it!

I clench my fists. I also get angry easily. All of my emotions can be triggered very easily.

I picked up my pencil and started writing a plot twist. But what should the twist be about? I thought. Maybe the fairy gathers everyone and they have something nice- no, that's not crazy enough. Maybe she gets eaten by the werewolf but somehow escapes? Yeah, that's good.
I picked up my pencil again and continued writing with the plot twist.

Scribble scribble-snap!

I broke my pencil. Again.

I quickly looked at my desk to see if I had an extra pencil.


"Have mine."  Sydney smiled, handing her pencil over.

But her pencil didn't look like a normal pencil, it had all these weird parts and was mostly made of plastic.

"Press this button." She said, pointing to an oval-shaped button on the side of the pencil.

I pressed the button, pop! A tiny gray thing popped out of the front.

I looked at her, confused.

"Now write," she said, holding in her laugh.

Oh right.

I put the weird pencil on the paper and wrote. It was a lot tinier than my other pencils, but I thought it was better, as I could fit more words.
scribble scribble.

"Sydney and Aurora, how many times do I have to tell you, pay attention, now." Mrs. Hinz said angrily.

"I'm so sorry, Mrs. Hinz!" Sydney quickly said.

While Sydney is smart, she's also always worried that she'll get in trouble.
Scribble scribble.

I didn't pay attention to Mrs. Hinz's statement as I kept scribbling on.

Mrs. Hinz continued, but I didn't care about whatever we were supposed to be learning about. I loved my new pencil, so sleek and small, it was just amazing.

"Aurora. Pay attention, or I'm calling your parents." Mrs. Hinz said sternly.

Sydney was beside me, scribbling away, but not on a story, for notes. I looked at Jack who wasn't paying attention after he just asked me why I always don't pay attention.

I look out the window, the sun slowly going up while the mountains hide the horizon, the greenery of the hills reminds me of what I imagined my fairy would wear. A green corset with a small green skirt. Her brown hair would come down on her face and flow longly on her back. Her elf ears would poke out on the sides of her face that are adorned with intricate earrings that hang out.

Minutes turned to hours, and I kept on writing. Through the halls, to classes, even to the bathroom I kept writing. But finally, the bell rang and it was time to go home.

I looked up confused, realizing I'd been writing for that long. So, I closed my notebook, put it on my desk, and walked out of the classroom along with everyone else.

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