The Visit

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"I'm home, mom!" I say, closing the door and dropping my backpack on a chair. The best part of my day is every day I go and do Sydney's chores at her house and I get money. Sydney would do the same at my house, I liked her chores, and she liked mine. It's a win-win.

"Welcome back, sweetie." my mom said, knitting her new coat. She'd been working on that coat for ages, like every time I see her, she's knitting.

"Sydney's mom called to tell you to not come over today, Sydney's coming here though, so you guys can hang out in your rooms and do whatever, her mom just said she didn't want anyone in the house."

I sighed, at least I can hang out with Sydney, but it'll probably be the same as every time we hang out: binge a new show all night and then aggressively drink 5 cups of coffee and continue until Sydney goes home.

In a couple of minutes, Sydney was at the door. But, when I opened it, one thing caught my eye. Sydney was carrying a bag, I knew that something big was in the bag because the bag was misshapen and there was something plastic and metal sticking out. There were a couple of other things in the bag but I could only see the outline of the objects.

The second I got to my room with Sydney, I immediately asked, "What's in the bag?"

"Not even a hello?" Sydney replied.

"Hello, what's in the bag?" I rephrased,

Sydney chuckled a bit, then dumped it out on the bed.

The plastic-metal thing I saw looked sorta like a wide mixer, when I picked it up, it was cold. The other various objects looked like they were ingredients to something. There was milk, sugar, caramel, and cream, 4 simple ingredients, 4 simple ingredients I had no clue what we were going to make in the end.

"Since you're probably wondering, this is an ice cream maker! We're gonna make ice cream!" Sydney excitedly exclaimed, pointing at the metal object.

My mouth dropped to the earth's core. Ice cream?! Ice cream is the best food in the world, besides mac & cheese, but if I learned how to make ice cream, I could have an infinite supply of ice cream!

"We need to make some now!" I said, grabbing the machine with the ingredients and running to the kitchen. Sydney followed quickly along.

In the kitchen, I grabbed the manual and quickly read it, then got to work. Putting in the ingredients quickly I only cared about ice cream. Then, it was time. I pressed a button, it started whirling, then, nothing happened. But when I tried to touch the machine, it was frozen.

"Uhm.. is it supposed to be doing anything?" I said, looking at all the ingredients piled up in the maker.

Sydney read through the instructions. " 'Once you have your desired ingredients, press the snowflake button and wait 20 minutes for it to freeze into ice cream. Leave in longer if not desired texture.' " She quoted.

"20 minutes?! I can't wait that long!"

"Well, you gotta if you want ice cream."

"If I want ice cream? Can it make other things?"

"Yeah, it can make anything frozen. My favorite is probably frozen yogurt."

So many ideas popped into my head at that second, but there was one big one, a shop. I knew it'd be a bit hard for 12th graders, but we could try.

"I have this idea." I pitch.

"And what's that?" Sydney questions.

"We could make a frozen shop! A shop that only sells frozen things! I know we're only 12th graders, but we both have an allowance, so maybe we could save up to buy some things!"

"That's...not the most horrible idea I've heard from you."

"Agreed, how much money do you have saved up?"

We kept planning, but the frozen stuff truck was the most important thing we needed for this! I opened up my laptop and tried to find the least expensive truck I could find.

"60,000.. 24,000.. 13,000.. 10,000.. I think that's the least expensive one I can find. It's used, but we could work with it."

We kept on planning and doing calculations with money and what we could even do to get to this goal.

"We're gonna have to have more people to do this. Maybe my friends could help?" Sydney said. I had never met Sydney's friends because I was scared. I've had some bad experiences with friends, and the only reason Sydney was my friend is because she asked me.

Sydney sensed my hesitation and patted my shoulder. "They're really good friends, and if they are mean to you, I'll be there."

I smiled and nodded. "We can meet them tomorrow and suggest the plan to them."

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