27' Will you be

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It's been about a week since that shit with Aiya's mom happened. Man.

That was some shit for sure, Aiya was weird about it at first as if my mom was the one who spazzed at her.

I told her that it didn't faze me at all and I wouldn't look at her different for how her mom is. I know some people's mom's are stricter than most and honestly her mom could've been way worse. Shot at me or some shit.

Plus my parents have their moments so it's nothing new for me, I reassured her that she ain't got nothing to be embarrassed about and she claims that she's over it but Ion know.

I just dropped her off at the suite where she's getting her hair done and now I'm on my way to pick up a few things for tomorrow.

Mrs. Peterson my art teacher let me bring the flowers in to keep in her class since Aiya doesn't take her class.

My drive ends when I finally make it to Beachwood Mall and I get out, finding my way inside of Saks Fifth and I take a deep breath. I'm spotting a lot of pink shit, I feel like I'm looking through Aiya's eyes right now.

Passing through, I come into the perfume section. I start to look around at the perfumes and when a random white lady looks my way I curse under my breath. Got no choice but to get something now.

I make my way over to her and she smiles as I approach her.

"Hello." She says in one of those slow-talking rich people voices.

"Hey, I was looking to buy a perfume for my girlfriend." I cut the small talk and she motions me to follow her over to the counter.

"What perfume were you looking for? Something sweet? Sexy?" She does little movements with her hands and I'm stuck.

Aiya usually smells kind of like flowers, probably a lil fruity here and there but mostly flowers.

"Umm like flowers and shit. A lil fruity too." I shrug and she clicks her tongue.

"I have just the scent for you." She motions me to follow her and we walk over to a lil bottle that I'm pretty sure says Dior. She picks it up and displays it in her hand.

"The Miss Dior parfum." She grabs one of those white cards and sprays it onto it, handing it to me and I bring it up to my nose.

𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮, 𝐀𝐫𝐞 𝐧𝐨 𝐒𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐭Where stories live. Discover now