Jealousy? It's not a good look on you, my dear

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Lips bruised and red, bodies sliding faster and faster in a lustful dance. Their names echoed off each other's lips," P..please," He mumbled, sweat trickling down his brow, violet eyes so dilated you could hardly see the color in them.

"That's not good enough Aric," a voice murmured, too occupied with marking his friend's unblemished skin. His fingers traced and caressed tensed muscles, dragging blunt nails into the inner corners of Aric's thighs, before abruptly moving off the older boy. Violet eyes narrowed at the sudden movement, a question burning in them," What the hell are you doing?" He asked as he watched Japeth adjust his clothing, tucking his white shirt neatly into black breeches.
"What does it look like I'm doing?"He said before a familiar hiss was heard, one multiplied to two scims, each wrapping themselves around Aric's wrists, pinning him to the headboard.

His eyes widened in disbelief as he watched Japeth turned his back toward him, walking to the bathroom to freshen up his disheveled hair.  Japeth was going to leave him on display like a piece of fucking meat while he frolicked around the King of some random kingdom, hell Aric couldn't keep up with all those names but he was just going to leave him here, pinned and half-dressed.

"Japeth, I swear to god you better not leave me here!"He yanked against the scims, trying to break free as he squirmed amongst the bed, his finger burning with purple magic. Leaning against the bathroom door frame, Japeth just grinned at the display. His once-neat black hair is now messy and splayed across the pillows, sheets hanging half-off half-on, wrists already rubbed light pink from his constant pulling. Purple eyes narrowed at the other boy before he let out a dramatic huff, his face etched with frustration.

"Are you done or are you gonna continue your little tantrum," Japeth asked, twirling a scim between his fingers as he continued," I told you, you'll be punished once we get back to the castle but you chose not to listen, do you think it's funny making me jealous? Seeing you flirt shamelessly around others, makes it seem like you're single!" He said harshly, face tensed as he walked to the edge of the bed, fingers tracing Aric's skin before they reached the top of his thighs until he suddenly stopped, refusing to move until he had his answer.

"For the love of god, it's called acting Japeth! Acting! I don't care about those scummy people. I don't want them, I want you! How much must I do to make you see that?" Aric shouted before softly asking his question," I break rules for you, I kill for you, I've even pillaged villages for you and yet you still question me," He looked away, too many emotions bubbling up inside him.
"Do you mean that? Or are you acting now and trying to throw me off by saying such sweet words?"He questioned, cupping the underside of Aric's chin, forcing him to meet his gaze.

" You know goddamn well that if I didn't flirt with any of them then we would have never gotten the information to escape that maze in Kandy Village," He panted out, finding it hard to breathe suddenly. Japeth tightened his hold for a moment before he spoke," I suppose you're right but this isn't the first time you've done something like this, are you getting bored of me? Am I... not enough for you?"Japeth said softly, his voice suddenly vulnerable and confused. Aric's face crumpled at his tone, realizing the damage he's inflicted.

His mind raced with possible ways to apologize but none seemed good enough for the moment, so he decided to ramble instead, screw planning out his words anyway.

"Japeth I... I'm sorry about my flirtations but I promise you that you're more than enough for me. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you saving me from whatever hell awaited me. I know that I'm not exactly a romantic or a show-off partner but I... love you, I'm in love with you, Japeth," He took a shaky breath before continuing," I only flirt or act that way because it's an act! All of it is me acting, making people bend to my will all because they're afraid of me or because they think they're gonna get something from me but it's all fake. I'm...sorry for making you doubt yourself, I can't lose you Japeth....Japeth?" His voice coming out in a small whisper. His vision started to turn watery as every bad thought and insecurity ran through him Japeth gazed at him as if he were stuck in a trance.

Why wasn't Japeth speaking?

Why wasn't he moving

Did Aric screw up or did he say too much?

This is it, this is the end.... Japeth is going to leave, of course, he's going to leave why wouldn't he? The only thing Aric has done to Japeth is either hurt him or push him away. Aric should've known better than to say his I love you right now, because of him, he's ruined what they had... hasn't he?

"J...Japeth," He choked out, feeling any good feeling crumbling to ashes, he wanted to leave immediately.

A small smile breaks through the stillness before soft lips roughly land on cracked ones. Aric let out a gasp at the sudden turn in events before hesitantly responding to the kiss. Long, pale fingers entangled themselves into black locks, tugging on them gently as his tongue traced the seam of the other boy's mouth, tasting the saltiness from loose tears that had leaked from violet eyes. Japeth smiled into the kiss as he felt Aric eagerly kissing back, nipping on his bottom lip, asking for permission to explore. Instead, Japeth kept his mouth closed, shaking his head slightly as he refused Aric's advances. Purple glared into blue ones before he tugged on his bottom lip harshly," J...japeth that's not fair," Aric murmured, a small whimper escaping from his lips as Japeth's fingers twisted around his chest, playing with hard nubs.

He chuckled softly before pressing light kisses against his collarbone, his tongue tracing along the delicate skin.
"Japeth...please," He begged, tugging on his restraints once again, wanting to touch his lover.
"Please what? I can't read your mind, love" He groaned as Aric's thigh brushed against his clothed arousal before pressing himself against it.
The other boy let out a pant of breath as the atmosphere around them became heavy and suggestive," Off... I want these off," He tugged at the scims again, feeling their scales brush tighter against his skin, sending little shivers down his spine.

"Please just take them...nngh!" He arched into the younger boy as Japeth harshly gripped his arousal, feeling it pulse with need as his other hand caressed his stomach, watching the tension between his muscles. "Look at you, so beautiful and sweet, god I just want to ravish you," He mumbled, his voice thick with lust.


Two scims shot back onto his skin as he straddled Aric's thighs, smiling slightly at the look of shock etching its way onto Aric's face.

"Japeth" He whispered in disbelief before putting his hands around Japeth's neck, tugging him downward into a searing kiss. Feeling a bit bold, Japeth slowly moved against him, letting their lower bodies meet in a dance of friction. Aric gasped in pleasure before placing his hand on Japeth's lower back, applying enough pressure to make him move harder. His hands gripped the sheets as sweat pooled onto pale skin, muscles tensing. Blue eyes gazed into hazy violet ones as they both thrusted faster, the need for release burning in their veins as their pleasure kept building, faster and sharper.



To whoever reads this, you better comment and like, because this chapter was like hell-written. I mean I rewrote this so many times for it to sound somewhat readable.
Anyway I hope you guys enjoy
Depressedkitty08- originally Depressedkitty07

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