spells for souls

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"It won't work"

"How would you know"

"You spells are wrong, heck you can't even control your powers properly ,what if you summon a demon?"

" That's why you're here "

" Nope "

" Come on Lennie, besides this isn't a summoning spell "

" I refuse the last time i went along with your experiments i ended up with green skin"

" It wasn't so bad "

" For a week !"

" At least now we know not to add more than a pinch of dried orchids "

" No matter what I'm not doing it "

" Oh Lennie, aren't witches supposed to be more experimental and all "

" Maybe others but not me "

" Ok ok if you help me I am going to sponsor your next book shopping "

" Hey don't look at me like that am serious "

" You pay for a week and we have a deal "

" A week? make it three days "

" A week and nothing more "

Dolores sigh knowing Lennie won't help unless she agrees

" Fine but you can't back out okay"

"Yeah, yeah ,so how are we doing this and did you steal this from Phoebe again" Lennie looks down at the spell book and various papers with runes written on them sprawled all over the table

"Also should we be doing this in here " he looked around the empty class that seem to be meeting point for some club

" We can't do it at my house cause ma don't like me doing stuff ,she thinks I might blow down the house or something "

"You should listen to her " that earn a glare from her

"Look this is the only place i can think of lectures are over and no one would think of two random people conducting a magical experiment "

" I don't know but i have bad feeling about this "

" You have bad feelings about everything "

" That always end up being correct "

" Nothing will happen so don't jinx it ,let me clear this place then you can help me draw that rune with your magic "

" This one "

" Yeah "

Half an hour later both were standing in the middle of the classroom with the chairs all pushed to corner and a glowing circle runes with smaller hexagon runes glowed softly at the center

" Ok for the soul swap we need a essence of each person" dolores said turning the page of the spell book

" You mean like blood"

" It doesn't have to be blood"

" Remind me again what is the purpose of this "

" Really Lennie, if this works this works I would be able to communicate and understand the souls properly by letting their soul into mine"she shut the book hard

" Is this about that red haired ghost "

" Yes I really want to help it but the memories are all jumbled up together "

Lennie let out a deep breath hoping the thought of get the new series of Storm chasers would take away the nagging feeling at the back of his mind

" All right then let do this "

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