Not my body

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The sound of a pencil case falling was what woke lennie. who knew pencils could make so much noise with a groan , he sat up groggily rubbing his eyes of crusts
" Hey man you up early" a voice called

" You good" the voice asked again

" Hmm " Lennie hummed in reply his voice as deep and hoarse looks like I'm  coming down with cold he thought.

He turned to pulled away the blanket and sit at the edge of the facing his roommate. His dark skin,white dyed haired roommate who looks like one of Calvin Klein's model

Wait what when did I get a roommate,I don't even stay at the dormitories

Now alarmed and awake he jumped up and took a look around the dorm room a two nicest sized bed sat on both sides ,one with grey bedding while the one other with black and grey which happened to be the one he had been sleeping on . A two person dark oak closet rested on the wall behind him . Two desk with a space in-between was by the opposite wall .the gaming chairs at the desks tells more about the people residing in here not to to talk of the black fur rug at the center of the floor that was so soft he thought his feet would go through.

" Dude are you okay you look like you are about to puke " the hot dude ask coming closer and Lennie took a step  back

" Who are you ? What am I doing here ?oh my God did you kidnap me, then why did you bring me to a dorm room,don't tell me this is your first kidnapping,damn am an experiment " with each question the look on the guy's face becomes more un readable especially with the black and grey monotone of the room and little sunlight coming through a slit between the black curtain and window

" Aamon dude are you on something,did you drink the wrong thing" his words make Lennie paused  mid rant about how bad of kidnapper he is

" What did you just call me "

" Bro you're beginning to scare me"

And then it all came crashing to him with a speed that he could not describe he ran into the bathroom and checked himself in the mirror and was met with the greatest shock of his life as that Black haired , pale skin , maroon eyes dude staring at him in the mirror was not him that could only mean that  the soul swap spell worked

He could not be more horrified than he is right now. He looked down at himself ,patted around his body feeling lean but firm muscles ,the owner of this body not only has a pretty face but a body to back it up even his member down there is impressive don't be pervert he chastised himself

" Aamon you good in there " that guy must be this body's owner roommate fuck how is he supposed to face him or worst behave ,he doesn't even know who this Aamon of a guy is .

" Um yeah am good yeah ?" it sounded more like a question and Lennie could not help but plan different ways to murder Dolores  in his mind

" You sure " the guy asked again

" Definitely um I...I must have drunk alot last night and it's messing with me right now so... Yeah am better now" Lennie couldn't be more grateful for the door separating both of them right now

" Well hurry up then the others are waiting for us " what, others ,who are the others panicking ,these questions ran around his head

" um wai... waiting what are they waiting for "

" Seriously don't tell me you forgot" the bathroom door opened and Lennie shrieked and fell on the floor but the roommate was unamused his eyes narrowed in suspicion

" You have been acting strange" he said slowly emphazing the word strange

" You are the one to talk barging in here what if I'm naked " Lennie defended not sure how he would explain his situation if the guy begins to suspect anything . supernatural related issues aren't meant to be known by humans and not to talk of the punishment he would face if his coven finds out

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