Chapter 4 (Brett)

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"So what did she say?" Richie asked me. I thought he was real stupid for getting some random girl pulled into this mess, especially since we didn't have a good history with said random girl.

He'd  told me that the reason he told his parents he was dating her was because they remembered her from elementary school.

"I gave her your number and she told me she'd think about it." I responded to him as I sat down at our lunch table. My group of friends had barely changed since 6th grade. There was no good reason to if I had my people that I liked.

"Woah!" Malcom said sliding over to join the conversation "What chick said she'd think about what?"

"Richie is trying to get Evan Goldmans little girlfriend to help him from moving in with good ol' Queen Lizzy of England." I snickered. Everyone circled around and started listening. I honestly felt a little bad for Patrice though. Richie wasn't a smart guy he was going to ruin something, for her sake I'd hoped she would decline helping him out.

She was from what I knew a real nice girl. I might have teased her a bit in the past, but everyone has changed since then. Even Lucy. Lucy and I were in a continuously on and off physical relationship. Emphasis on were, she couldn't deal with the drinking anymore and I couldn't deal with her.

"Evan Goldmans girlfriend!" Eddie exclaimed "Whats wrong with you man?" Great question Eddie, I was just wondering the same thing.

We didn't sit to far from Evans table though and I was worried he might over hear us talking about Patrice.

"How is that girl supposed to help you anyway?" Asked Simon. "Isn't Evan The Brain?" He put air quotes when he said "The Brain". It was a stupid nickname that I'd come up with back in seventh grade for him.

Richie slumped down in his seat and put his hands in his head. "Its to hard to explain."


After school I went home with Richie. His house was stupid big, his parents worked overseas for some huge corporation which brought in a lot of money for them. He was usually home alone for months on end, which made his house the designated hang out house.

  He was stressing and pacing his room about having Patrice not texted him yet.

"If she doesnt agree to help you then its not even her fault." I told him. "Besides she's probably busy, I saw her go home with her friends."

"Can you text her?" Richie stopped mid pace and pointed at me.

"Yeah I guess I can." I pulled my phone from my bag and started to text her. There was still a little part of me that hoped she wouldn't get tied up in this mess. As much as I still hated Evan, I knew Patrice wasn't the same as him "I'll make a group chat with the three of us"

"Hey I made a chat with Richie." I typed into my phone. Richie pulled out his phone and began to type

"Hey Patrice I'm real sorry about this. Do you think we could meet tonight so I could talk to you before tomorrow."

It took a couple minutes for her to respond

"Yeah! We can meet tonight thats fine."

"Okay how about the McDonalds" I recommend. I knew we could drive over there and she could too.

"Perfect ;)"

We walked downstairs to Richies garage and got into his car. I drove because Richie started to text with Patrice. She had probably agreed to help him. Not good.

"She stopped responding." Richie whined.

"Then maybe you should call her." I suggested.

"Thats a great idea!" He seemed a little to excited. I had a bad feeling about this as we pulled into the McDonalds. Richie started to call her as we stepped into the building but we saw her. She was at a table with Evan and Archie. I hadn't known they would be there.

Whatever was happening seemed serious. There was a phone at the center of their table. I assumed it was hers because Richie was calling her at that moment. But Evan grabbed the phone and stood up. Archie yelled at him.

"Richie we should leave. This doesn't look like something we're supposed to see."  I told him quietly. We turned around and quickly walked out of the McDonalds.

When we got back in the car we were silent for a minute then Richie asked "Why do you think he took the phone."  I didn't know actually. We sat there for a moment and watched them walk out and get into their car.

I took the car out of park when they started driving away. It was a weird feeling but for some reason I followed the car.

"Im going to text her again." Richie started typing on his phone and I kept following Evans car.

He dropped Archie off at his house and then drove straight to Evans. He didn't drop Patrice off. Instead they both got out at Evans. I didn't know where she lived, maybe shes lived with him, but wouldn't more people know if they lived together. 

"Huh. Thats weird." I thought aloud. We drove back to Richies house silently again. I really didn't know this girl at all.

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