Chapter 6 (Brett)

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AN: the new cover of the story is the actual evan and patrice in my show. aren't they such cutie patooties

When I woke up in the morning I received a text from an unknown number that said "C hall bathrooms before first period." The text was definitely Patrice but I didn't understand why she hasn't sent it from her phone. Then I remembered what had happened the night before.Did he not give her the phone back? What kind of relationship did these weirdos have?

I rolled my eyes and flopped over in my bed. Richie sucked at blackmail. He stressed to much and made terrible decisions, I just didn't want to get in trouble with my parents. They hardly knew me. They only cared that football came first.

Since before I could remember my dad had been all about getting me scouted for football. I needed to a scholarship for college and then I needed to make it to the big leagues there was nothing more that mattered.

I got up and got dressed, then I got a message from Richie asking me do pick him up for school. I wondered if he'd gotten a message from the number as well.

On the drive to school he didn't say anything about getting texted so I just assumed it was to me. I was about 100% sure that Patrice was just going to tell me she wouldn't help Richie anymore. She would also ask me to tell him about her not helping, I was sure of it.

As we were walking into the school I saw Charlotte and Molly waiting outside for somebody on their phones.

"Brett!" Molly got off of her phone and walked over to us. "We need to talk." Charlotte and Molly were big gossipers, for some reason if someone it didnt matter who had something slightly out of the ordinary happen in their lives. They knew from the moment it happened.

"Simon told Cassie who told me that you are helping Richie get Evan Goldmans girlfriend to pretend to be his girlfriend." Charlotte asked all of that in one breath. What the hell.

"How do you even know that?" I asked her real confused.

"So it is true!" Molly questioned. If word got around about this Evan would definitely find out. I didn't wanna have to deal with that loser, he was so full of himself in every situation. He was probably a terrible friend and a terrible boyfriend. I avoided him at all costs.

"No freaking way." Charlotte gasped. I rolled my eyes and walked away. They were going to talk to everyone about it anyways, even if I asked them not to. "It's so true!"

I walked straight for the C hall bathrooms, those girls had taken up some of my time Patrice was probably waiting. The walk to the back of the building was incredibly long considering how small the population of Dan Quayle High School was. Who spent all this money just for each grade to have 80ish people.

When I got to the bathrooms I saw Patrice, but she wasn't alone. Evan was with her, I almost turned around and went to class.

"Brett, over here!" Patrice called out. This was a scene from my nightmares. I felt awkward as I walked over and leaned against the opposite side of the wall as them.

"I'm sorry but I can't help Richie." She blurted out. I knew she was going to say that, or else she wouldn't have told me to be here. "It's just not right for me to do that, especially when you both expected me not to tell Evan." She stood straight when she spoke to me. Evan was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed.

"Okay. Is there anything I can say to convince you to come anyway." I asked because I was still at the debt of Richie. My job was to get her to agree to going to the dinner party. I watched as Evan rolled his eyes.

"No." He spoke "She isn't going to help your stupid friend." Even the way this guy spoke made me mad.

I made a face then asked. "Why is he here?" I shouldn't have trusted her to not tell anybody.

"She asked me to be." I wish I could punch him again, like I did in 7th grade. He never knew when to shut up. This was all awkward and wrong. I was going to be screwed with my parents.

"Patrice remember what I said about my what Richie has on me." I needed to guilt trip her back into this that was the only way. "My entire life will be ruined if he tells my parents or my coaches." She looked like she really considered it for a second.

"Yeah, no." Evan said. "This is stupid we're leaving." He grabbed her hand and they walked away. She yelled something at him but they were walking so fast I couldn't quite catch it. I hated that guy so much.

Shit. I was absolutely done for. My life was going to hit rock bottom.

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