Part 1 The invite

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It was like any other day at Capsel corp. Bulma was yelling at Vetega over the phone while ion the midst of a board meeting. Her associates terrified but also inspired by the fiery blue haired woman said nothing as she left the room with arms flailing about. As she hung up Bulma turned around to be face to face with her college best friend Alyssa

Bulma: I swear my husband is such a moron, all he can think about is training and getting stronger. I mean it's my birthday of crying out loud! I shouldn't  even have to ask let alone remind him to attend my party.

Alyssa: (chuckles) Well what do you expect when you get married to a warrior driven alien Blue.

BUlma rolled her eyes at Alyssa.

Alyssa: Anyway I finished up the meeting and the other companies said that they are interested in buying and selling our products for this coming fall.

Bulma: Ah that's great to hear!! Im happy that we were able to make amore affordable products for companies to sell. Hopefully this time they don't back out.

Alyssa: well no offense,  but they back out because of you, you're always yelling and well...

Bulma looked at her friend raising her eyebrow challenging her to continue. Alyssa just laughed instead soon joined by Bulma's laughter as well.

Alyssa: So you are having another party for your birthday hu?

Bulma: We'll of course, I love parties but also its a good excuse to get my friends together, we've all been so busy lately. 

Alyssa recalls the stories Bulma has told her throughout their friendship. How the cell tournament was not in fact won by Hercule but the saiyans and the Z fighters. Bulma had introduced Alyssa to some of them here and there for a Christmas get together last year and other small work events. But due to Alyssa always picking up where Bulma leaves off with work and engineering,  Alyssa tends to be all work and no play.

Bulma: well this one is going to be grand! Food stands, games, prizes, and of course dancing, I was thinking of making a ball and inviting people from capsule corps.

Alyssa: Is that really a great idea, you know considering the company you keep, Lord Beerus

Bulma: oh don't mind him he's fine as long has he has enough food to eat. plus I'll make sure Whis keeps a close eye on him.

Bulma: so can I count on you to come? It would be great to have you.

Alyssa: Aw gee Bulm I can't I am currently working on something and those reports need to be finished and filed and...

Bulma: Hmmm welp that's to bad because Gohan was bale to talk piccolo into showing up 

Alyssa topped speaking, her ears turning a medium shade of burgundy. She coughed slightly trying to play it off like she wasn't affected by what Bulma had just said.

It is true that Bulma had introduced her dearest friend to the Z fighters over time. Alyssa had met Yamaha who then immediately tried hitting on her that didn't go over well. Alyssa  had conversed with kirllian about how he achieved his strength and powers despite being a human. Alyssa has had her ear chewed off by ChiChi when she and Goku snuck off to play a beer drinking game. Alyssa had even gained a small amount of respect from  the prince himself, Vegeta and many more of the Z fighters. And yet there was always one person she wished to meet more than most, Piccolo.

POV flash back: Alyssa first saw him at the Christmas party Bulma had thrown on. Slightly tipsy Alyssa had found herself a wall flower during the festivities  as she slowly sipped her drink. She wasn't really into it, the noise, the fun, Christmas being a crummy time in her childhood. As she stood on the wall she was bumped and stepped on by two clearly drunk employees of Capsule Corp.

Alyssa: Hey watch it

Guy1: Oh sorry pretty lady didn't see you there.

Guy2: Yeah what's a hot like you doing over here? you should come join us

She walked away as one man grabbed her arm.

Guy2: hey didn't you hear us

Alyssa: Sorry between the loud music and your slurring its hard to hear anything  but luckily for me the way your presenting is loud and clear leading me to the conclusion.... Im not interested 

Guy1: Come on don't be that way

Guy2: forget it she is this way even in the office

Guy1: well maybe she just needs a littler help lightening up

Piccolo Pov: Piccolo stood there stoically as the night's festivities continued. He really didn't understand how we kept being talked into attending these things when he hated them, but he would do anything for Gohan and talking  shop with to Tien  enjoyable. Piccolo soon notices two drunken men stumble upon a women he had heard was Bulma's close friend in passing. Piccolo watched as the two men in a drunken stupor attempt to leave the party.

With his great hearing he chuckled at the clever decline she had shot the drunken employee's way. Piccolos smirk shortly turned into a scowl as he saw the man place his hand on the women's back. Without thinking he walked over to her aide.

The man began to place his hand on the small of Alyssa's back as she had no where to go her back literally against the wall. He pulled her close and instinctually she punched him in the face causing him to stumble and hit someone, Piccolo.

Piccolo: I believe that's your signal to go the women said she not interested.

Alyssa looked up to see a very tall green man? Or was he an alien, either way he had strong masculine features, a low voice, and  his body was draped in white and purple.

The man with out looking turned around to pick a fight but quickly forgot the thought as he saw who stood behind him.

Guy1: come on lets just get out of here

Guy2: yeah she isn't worth it stupid bitch

They both left the sound of music refilling the space of the now ended commotion.

Alyssa now stood there on the wall next to this tall handsome figure. Looking over she couldn't help but stare slightly at him. He stood there with his arms crossed looking straight forward. Eventually he gave her a glance out of the side of his eye causing her to jump slightly he looked back in front of him saying nothing.

With his body facing forward Piccolo turned his head to her direction slightly.

Alyssa: ..uh?

Alyssa never freezes like this but this man's pretense was making everything she wanted to say to hard to come about. And so for the rest of that evening they stood there  as the festivities went on Alyssa stealing glances at him every so often.

Present POV:

Alyssa remained silent as she remembered her first and last encounter with the tall man. Bulma smirked.

Bulma: Soooooo, Im going to take it your silence as a yes then?

Alyssa: look Im not saying Im going, but even if I did, which I'm not saying I am, it may be nice to see him again... 

Bulma: huuuuuu ( smiling)

Alyssa: Only to properly thank him for lat time its all.

Bulma: alright its settled then youre going

Alyssa: fine I'll go.

BUlma: Yeaheeee

Bulma squeezed and hugged Alyssa.

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