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"Gen, where are you going?" Peaking your head out of the door of the evacuation center. There was a Kaiju attack at the Sakuragi, Chiba Prefecture and civilians are asked to evacuate immediately. Looking out at the glass window of the center, it was raining lightly outside, sprinkling as what other people call it.

"I'll have to get something at the orphanage." Narumi replied, his bangs was covering his eyes so you can't see what they look like right now. You fully revealed yourself out of the door, the two of you are still wearing your school uniform and just got out of school when the alarm blares. "Just get it after the Defense Force neutralize the Kaiju." You stated, hands behind your back as you approach him.

"It's an action figure!" He suddenly exclaimed, startling you and he turned his head around you. "I just bought it with my allowance," the way he stated it sound somewhat depressing. "And also my allowance." You butt in, leaning forward with a gentle smile on your face that looks terrifying in his perspective.

"Yeah, and your... What do you mean?!" He grabbed your shoulder and shakes you. "You begged me to give you half of my allowance because you said you wanted to buy the action figure that you've always wanted..." An arrow seems to struck him in the heart when he heard that.

You recalled him being on his knees, and his head on the back of his hands, that was when you just got home from your part time roughly three months ago and saw him at the door of the orphanage. Begging you and asking you to give him some money.

"You just got your salary, right?" He slowly lifted his head and you looked down on him with an unreadable expression on your face. "May I please borrow some money?" His eyes are glossy as he asks you that.

Your mouth opened in disbelief as you heard that, he's been asking you when your next paycheck will come last week and when you told him, he got really quiet. So this was the reason why he had asked.

"Don't say it like that, people will think I'm exploiting you." His voice was hush but also loud. "I mean, you kinda are." Shrugging your shoulders and his life force seems to be suck out of his body when you said that. And another invisible arrow had pierced through his heart.

Narumi was quiet as he stared at you, looking at him right now, you could see bags under his eyes, the remnants of him staying up all night to finish his game. "What should I do for you to not say that to anyone?" You hum in his question, placing a hand on your chin as you think about it.

"Well," he waited for your response impatiently, already thinking of what is happening to his action figure right now. "You could bring me with you!" You beam up, your face seems to bright up the cloudy skies. Narumi stared dumbfounded at you, "You might die when you step out of the evacuation center, y'know?" His face formed in a scowl at your words.

"I don't need you protecting me." Crossing his arms over his chest as he looks away. You just smiled at nim and leaned back on the door, hand placed on the door fram. "Risa-san!" He immediately panicked when you called a staff from the orphanage that the two of you are in.

And within a second, Risa showed up in front of you. "What is it, [Name]-chan?" Narumi's panic intensifies when he saw you smiled at him and faced Risa. He was ready to put his hand on your mouth and pull you in a German Suplex. He was already thinking of doing that as you glance at him and gave him a chilling yet sweet smile on your face before opening your mouth to talk to Risa.

"Gen wants to take a dump,"

The two blinked at you multiple times, Narumi's face was in a deep shade of red as Risa smiled awkwardly at your words. Her gaze shifting towards Narumi who had multiple veins bulging in his face as his hands twitch in the air, ready to pounce on you any minute right now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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