Chapter 1: Arrival in Mystic Falls

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(Lets just pretend that Mystic Falls is the same but it lays by the beach right at the ocean.)


A teenage girl just got off the plane and landed in Mystic Falls, a small town by the coast. She was going to live with her aunt because her father wasn't the nicest person. She got an Uber and chuckled as it arrived—it was bright yellow, just like in the movies. When she arrived at her aunt's house, the driver got the luggage out of the car, and she paid the man, leaving him a good tip.

She stood in front of the door, unsure if she should knock or just walk inside. She wasn't too close with her aunt but knew she was alright, not half as bad as her father. Deciding to knock, her aunt opened the door with a smile. She didn't try to hug Arabella, knowing she didn't like being touched.

Her aunt showed her to her room, and Arabella started unpacking.

The next day, her aunt woke her up bright and early at 6 a.m. "Come on, sunshine, it's time for school." Arabella groaned, shaking her head. She had never had to get up this early in Australia.

After finally getting dressed, she went downstairs. She said bye to her aunt and headed off to school. After a little while of walking, she arrived at Mystic Falls High. Her aunt had already signed her in, so she went straight to her first class—history.

She sat down, and a girl sat next to her, with a guy on the other side. "Hello, are you new here?" the girl next to her asked with a smile.

"Yeah, I'm Arabella. Nice to meet you." She smiled back.

"Well, I'm Elena, and that's Stefan over there. It's nice to meet you." Arabella was about to respond when the teacher walked in and started the lesson.

At lunch, Elena invited Arabella to sit with them, and she happily accepted. She joined Elena, Stefan, and two other girls she hadn't met yet. "Caroline, Bonnie, this is Arabella. She's new here. Arabella, this is Caroline, and that's Bonnie, my best friends."

Arabella smiled, feeling a bit nervous. She wasn't too good with people, but they seemed nice. She was just observing when she noticed a water bottle leaking. She jumped up from the table, startling everyone.

"There's, um, a bottle leaking. I, uh, get a rash from water. It's really ugly and itches a lot," Arabella explained, trying to make sense of her sudden movement. They all thought nothing of it, cleaned up the water, and continued their lunch.

After school, Arabella decided to take a walk on the beach. She was strolling along in her bikini top and shorts when some random guys in the water called out to her.

"Come on, pretty girl, join us. We won't bite, promise," one of them said. She rolled her eyes and kept walking.

Eventually, she came across Caroline on the beach. They started talking. "Do you want to come swim?" Caroline asked. Arabella chuckled, remembering the lie she had told at lunch.

"I wish I could, Caroline, but I, uh, can't really." Caroline felt a bit bad but just jumped in. Arabella continued walking until she found an abandoned part of the beach, surrounded by rocks.

Arabella smiled, making sure no one was watching. Seeing the coast was clear, she ran to the water and dived in. Bubbles surrounded her, and a second later, the 'normal' girl was a mermaid. Arabella explored the ocean and found a beautiful little island with a cave. She swam in and discovered a lovely little hideaway. After a while, she started feeling hungry. She swam back to shore, making sure no one was around, and laid on the beach, drying herself with just her hands.

Once she was back to normal with legs, she went looking for dinner—not at a restaurant, but a hospital. It was a small town, so she found one quickly. She searched for the blood fridge, loading as many blood bags as possible into her bag. Arabella wanted a taste and grabbed another blood bag to try.

Halfway through the blood bag, enjoying its taste, a man walked in. He had black hair, a cool leather jacket, and baby blue eyes—quite handsome, Arabella thought.

The older vampire snapped Arabella's neck and took her to his mansion. When she woke up, she saw the good-looking vampire pacing in front of her. Arabella tried to get up but realized she was chained to a chair.

"What the bloody hell is this?!" Arabella asked, confused and angry at the guy in front of her.

"Who are you? What are you doing in Mystic Falls? Why are you here? How old are you? Since when have you been here?" the handsome man demanded.

Arabella's head was spinning with questions. "What was the first question again?" she asked, still deep in her own thoughts.

"Tell me who the fuck you are," the older vampire said with a straight face and an irritated tone.

"Ugh, fine. My name is Arabella. I'm 18 years old, turned when I was 17, and I'm here because I got sent to live with my aunt," Arabella said, not revealing her last secret. The older vampire looked at her, unsure if she was really who she said she was. Was she here to hurt someone?

"Well, mysterious man, what's your name?" Arabella asked, really curious to hear the answer to this. The man sighed but had a gut feeling that he could trust her, and his gut had never betrayed him.

"I'm Damon, and I'm a little older than you, so don't try anything." He took the chain off of her. She nodded at him as a thank you. "So how old are you then? Like 50? 70 maybe?" The older vampire chuckled and shook his head. "Almost. I am 160-something years old." She looked up a little in shock; she hadn't met anyone of her kind yet, especially not someone that old.

They kept on talking, and Damon started to warm up to her. She liked the company of someone she didn't want to eat. After a while of her asking questions and having conversations, Stefan walked in with Elena.

"Arabella? What are you doing here?" She turned around and saw Stefan and Elena standing there, both giving Damon weird, angry looks.

"Oh, uhmmm..." Arabella's mind was trying to think of an excuse but she couldn't think of one. For the first time in her life, the girl couldn't think of an excuse to give.

"She was lost in the woods and I found her. She was thirsty, so I brought her here." Arabella nodded, agreeing with the answer the older vampire gave. "Oh, and Stef, she is one of us too. She turned a year ago." Elena looked at Arabella, and when she heard it, Arabella saw a splinter of fear appear in the human's eyes. There was a long awkward silence. Stefan and Elena were staring at Damon with anger in their eyes, and Arabella was really confused.

"Well, this was great, but I really have to go now. My aunt must be wondering where I am." She said, breaking the silence.

When Arabella got home, she saw her aunt. She had made some food. The girl sat down, and her aunt smiled at her.

"Are you hungry, Bella? Grab anything you want. I made too much." She chuckled.

"Thanks, Aunt Lauren, I'm starving." She smiled and the vampire ate like she hadn't eaten in days.

"This was delicious, Aunt Lauren. I'm going to bed now. It has been a long day and I'm tired." Lauren nodded, and the blonde-haired girl went upstairs. The girl got ready for bed, and as she lay down, she immediately fell asleep.


Authors note: This is the first part in my newest fanfiction. I hope you guys like, sorry this is such a short chapter.

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