3: Cazzo

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Eli King

My father taught me one thing: if you want something then it's yours, which my mother didn't appreciate at all. I want this girl to live and tell me what the heck she did and who she pissed off. Not like I care but I want to get rid of those people completely who dared to attack me, the great Eli King. After all, it's better to pluck useless plants off the roots or they will grow again.

Crouching down to the strange girl I check her pulse. Not dead yet. lifting her shirt I tried to check the wound but surprisingly I found scars and a lot of them. A wave of anger rises in me but I keep my cool for now. First, she needs to breathe then I make sure this kid never gets in trouble.

Gently picking her up I placed her in my car and drove to the nearest hospital. Once she was taken care of I waited outside. Once the doctor was done he told me she was stable and would wake up until tomorrow. If she stays here there is a high chance those people behind her will come here so first of all I need to make sure she is safe. Thus, I took her to my home. Since my parents are away for the trip they won't be back yet. Before they come back I will get rid of her.

After all, there is no need for useless things in a King's Empire.

Once I made sure she was safely laid on the bed I stepped back putting a blanket on her. Pretty brown eyes and hair. She is pretty but she is trouble. I love trouble but not this one.

I stared at her for a few more seconds and sat on the chair making sure she didn't die before I caught those idiots. Although even if she doesn't matter I can still use her as bait hiding a dead body isn't my passion or I would be a serial killer.

When I wanted to doze off I heard light footsteps and heavy ones, just like my parents. They won't be back without telling. I glance at the girl and walk towards the door before they enter here. Reaching out my face lands on my mother who is in a cheerful mood while Dad rolls his eyes behind her. Somebody is having a bad day.

"Why are you back suddenly? Why didn't you call me?" I asked calmly to which my mother pouted but then shouted.

"Happy seventeenth birthday my dearest and loveliest son."

She then proceeded to hug me and place multiple kisses on my face and cheeks. I sighed letting her. Unlike Dad, Mom likes to show affection in a hyper manner. She doesn't want me to be like Dad, I wonder why. However, her methods are seriously too much for me. But I don't mind, I love my mom more than anything and if it makes her happy then so be it.

"Happy birthday son," Dad said patting my back. I nod still hugged by my mother. Once she pulled out a little to look at my face, I saw sparkles in her eyes.

"I know we didn't tell you but it was a surprise and why would I miss my only son's birthday." Mom said not letting me go yet.

"Mom I am not a child anymore," I said causing her to smile sadly. I shouldn't have said that.

"If mom said you are still a child then you are. No questions asked." Dad said grumpy.

I realized, my birthday spoiled their time alone. I roll my eyes. They still can't live without each other.

"Sure Dad," I said dryly.

"Other things aside, next year you will be an adult. Even though you work diligently right now, I hope you do more from next year."Dad said. "And I am proud of you." He added confidently.

"Shut it dear, let him enjoy, and also let me just pretend that he is still my baby." Mom said stepping back.

"Mom it's not like I am leaving next year," I said. Mom smiled while Dad didn't look particularly pleased but nodded at me.

"I will kick you out." Said Dad earning a glare from Mom.

"You can try in case you are ready for divorce," I smirk at Dad whose expression darkened while Mom grinned at me proudly.

"That's right my son. You heard him, dear husband." Mom said patting Dad's shoulder to which he gently pressed a kiss on Mom's temple.

"By the way we brought cake let's cut it." Mom said locking our arms.

I will get rid of her later.

"Ugh." A groan came from behind me causing my parents to pause.

Damn that brat.

"What was that?" Mom asked.

"My friend got drunk and must had headaches," I said.

"Is it?"

She started whimpering. This time Dad shot me a glare.

"A female friend." He mentioned.

I narrowed my eyes at Dad while Mom entered in room. Dad followed her and both of them stared at the kid. She is trouble.

"Son aren't you still young" Mom started but I cut her off.

"It's not like as you think."

"Then what else it is?" Dad glanced at me.

Before I can explain she whimpers again. This time mom quickly approached her and stoked her hair which calmed her down.

"She was having a bad dream." Mom said stepping back towards us. "And you better explain to me what's going on Eli King," Mom added with a glare.

"Well, I was out and someone attacked me, while helping me she got hurt so I brought her here," I explained to them.

"She looks too young. What's her name?" Mom asked.

"I don't know," I replied.

"Her parents must be worried."

I am sure she ran away from her home.

Dad doesn't look bothered yet. Well, nothing bothers or worries him except when it comes to mom. Unlike him Mom is concerned.

"We can talk to her once she wakes up." Dad comforted her.

"Since she saved our son I will make sure she gets proper treatment and lives," Mom said determined. Dad didn't say anything but nodded in agreement.

Well shoot I was going to catch those people, I will find some other way that involves not bothering Mom. After eating my birthday cake we dozed off.

The next day noticing she would be up soon three of us waited patiently. As soon as her eyes fluttered Mom smiled widely while me and dad stood with blank faces as usual.

"Did I get kidnapped again?" She said softly. My gaze hardened at her.

"Again?" I demand causing her to snap out of her sleepiness and sit up quickly with wide eyes.

" Cazzo! " She said.

"What?" Three of us asked in disbelief.

A foreign kid alone here with scars and people trying to harm her. Something is very wrong with her.


This chapter was fun to write. And yes our bella is still trouble.

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