6: Bello

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There is one thing I am good at and that is insulting people but now that these people who are helping me without asking anything in return made me doubt my talking skills. I thought I was an extrovert but it turns out I was just bitch and I knew it but now I feel I am a bad person. Bad people like those monsters.

Serpets, I swear I will get rid of all of you. You messed up with the wrong kid.

"Bella, you are daydreaming?" Libitina asked with a chuckle. I smiled and shook my head.

It's evening and she called me here for a special treat. And she looked so happy that she made something for me but two other people seemed that I was not welcome there. Eli and Nicolas were glaring at me when Libitina was focused on me. I glance at Eli while raising my brow asking what did I do now? He didn't say anything but as soon as Miss Libitina headed towards the kitchen Nicolas commanded me in a cold and very dangerous tone.

"Eat it with no comment and bad facial expressions."


"If you don't like it then eat a bite but don't you dare to say anything," Eli explained to me calmly.

Why both of them are always threatening me? I am just an innocent child except for the fact I kill people but still, they are bad guys.

Before I could give them a piece of my mind Miss Libitina came with a plate of cookies offering it to the three of us with a bright smile. I know that smile, the same smile Aunt Lexi makes when she cooks something,g and trust me Aunt Lexi is a horrible cook.

Looks like I am going to taste poison. Poison is tasty but still, it's horrible.

While I took hold of the cookie both Eli and Nicols stared at me. Not knowing why they are giving me that looks I munch down the cookie to ignore their looks. And oh my as I ate the cookie the familiar taste of Aunt Lexi invaded my senses. Of course, I should be disgusted but remembering how Lexi tried hard to please me with her cooking just to win against Uncle Dexter came into my mind, I remembered their banter and teasing, and instantly my face lit up with a smile that I thought I can never make again. Looks like distance sure increases love.

Now I understand why Eli and Nicolas threatened me. They didn't want Libitina to be sad. They are very protective of her I realize. When I glanced up at them they didn't show emotion but they looked pleased. They proceed to eat the cookie calmly like it's the best cookie in the world. It brought more joy to me.

I wish someone cared for me too at that level.

"Oh, my look at you smiling. Looks like you liked the cookie. Wait I will get you more." She said and left before I could stop her. I eat the rest of the cookies.

"Don't eat all of it, you are still hurt not good for you," Eli said taking cookies from me and eating them. I smile.

Thanks, it's the first time I felt warmth.

Soon libitina brought more cookies. I ate a few of them and told her I was full meanwhile Eli and Nicolas ate everything glaring at each other while Libitina talked to me not knowing her husband and son were fighting silently.

Such a cute family.

"Bella, I always wanted one daughter but wasn't able to have one. Now that you are here it feels like my wish is fulfilled." Libitina said. I didn't miss the sadness in her tone even Eli and Nicolas focused on us forgetting their little competition to win her attention.

"Well, I am honored," I replied softly not wanting to give her false hope after all I needed to get rid of the one,y and who knows I wouldn't make out alive.

There is always a possibility.

"Bella you are such a cute child. I like you a lot." She said brightly.

"I like you to miss." I chuckled amused.

Only if you know I was a maniac.

"Then how about living with us?" She asked surprising the rest of us.

"Sweetheart I know you like her but it's too early," Nicolas said gently kissing her forehead.

"Besides Mom, we don't know her well, after all, anyone can be a serial killer," Eli stated.

I and Libitina look at him shocked.

Damn, how does he know everything about me? Can he read minds?

"Apologize now Eli. That was mean." Libitina scolded him.

"It's fine. You guys should take more time in such matters." I said calmly.

I don't like to live in a place where I am not welcome.

And once I will get better I will leave anyway. I already felt betrayed by my family even though it wasn't their fault yet I can't help but feel anger and sadness.

I was only a child.

Unlike my thoughts, Libitina looks at me sadly. Poor her but any child will be better than me. After all, I became the devil to hunt down monsters. And she is too innocent to get tainted by me.

"Anyway thank you for the cookies they were great and I should rest to get healed faster," I said to them giving my usual fake smile, and headed back to the room where I was staying.

Once I entered the room, I lay on the bed taking huge deep breaths. Not the first time nor the last. I am strong I can handle it.

After a while door opened and I didn't even look up. A familiar scent of a person and footsteps. Not again.

"Are you going to cry?" Eli said. Is he mocking me? Certainly.

"Lonely tears are not comforting," I replied with my eyes closed.

Dang, that was an epic line. I should be the poet or writer.

"Cry in my arms." Eli retorts. Hearing him I opened my eyes.

"That's a good offer but a block of cold stone isn't comforting," I replied with a smirk.

"Seems like you are okay even though you are in trouble, " He said taking a seat beside me.

"I am not emotional like most of the woman, "

Not any more guys.

"I see, "

Then we felt o very comfortable silence. Eli stares out of the window with the same cold look. Polar bear. Very handsome polar bear.

Ugh Bella no, remember men are egotistical bastards.

"Sorry about earlier comment." He said stiffly.

"Your mom told you to say sorry," I said with a smirk. His eyes snapped into mine.

"Good, you know." Came his emotionless reply.

"You didn't say anything wrong so doesn't even matter," I replied casually.

After all, he had seen that side of me. He had seen me with a gun beating shit out of people. That was a horrible mistake of mine but whatever.

"Trouble," Eli said.

"Polar bear." I retort.

"What the hell?" He shot me a murderous glare. I shrug.

"Too cold Mr. King."

"Too naive little Rebel."

Nah, I am brilliant, when I want to be of course.

"Don't call me names." He ordered.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The corner at the right side of his lips lifted a little.

Bello. ( Great )

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