forgotten photo

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"Hey, do you wanna do this?"

Chuuya smirked. "Hell yes! I can't believe you waited until the last moment to tell me this, you idiot." She playfully elbowed Dazai's side.

"Ow, that hurt." Dazai pouted and shouldered Chuuya back harder, shoving the invitation card into Chuuya's face.

"I know, you just showed me this? Ah, but I can't wait to go get fucking high at this stupid party." They shared knowing looks.

"Also, did you hear? Akari's a total slut for this foreign exchange student named Edward. Do you know him?" Chuuya fell back onto the couch in her living room, reaching for the remote to start something on the TV.

"Edward? She could do so much better than him. He's also totally homophobic. Which is weird, considering how close he is to some of his, ehem, 'friends.'"

Dazai raised their hands up while they were talking for some exaggeration, making quotation marks while talking about Edward's friends. For as long as Chuuya's known her, she's always been super dramatic. One time, when she rejected a boy, she used a lighter, a fucking lighter to burn his love letter into flames.

Chuuya's just surprised neither of them are dead yet with how obsessive some gross guys are. She guesses that Dazai probably wouldn't mind if one of them killed her though, she's never really cared for anything.

"Yeah, remember when we caught them making kissy eyes at each other? You know, Edward and Alexander? I honest to god thought that they were going to get together less than a day later. God does play favorites for straight couples." Chuuya droned on as they changed the TV channel into a comedy. Dazai would be disappointed that it wasn't a tragic romance or some shit, because apparently, they were 'the best fucking shit you'll ever be able to watch and comprehend with your stupid little pea brain', but she'd rather not watch something so depressing while skipping class.

"Yeah, I was really rooting for them! The exchange students seem to stick together, and I'd rather not have them sticking their blond heads anywhere near us, so it'd be a plus if they actually got together."

They both paused to look at the show as some guy was dumped by his awesome hot girlfriend. Dazai looked at the girl mournfully, as if she was the guy dumped and sunk further into the cushions. Chuuya watched it with the same expression. Chuuya would treat her like a goddamned queen if she got the chance. It sucked that no other girl could see that in Chuuya.

She really just wanted a girlfriend.

"Yeah, I don't think they're getting involved with the party. Wanna bet if the class makes sure they stay out of our business?" Chuuya replied with a snarky smile.

"No way, I bet everyone's been invited. They want to make it as big a show as possible, so they can flaunt their money and empty house now that their parents are gone." Damn. Chuuya winced. Dazai always seemed to make more realistic observations. She had no doubt that this was exactly what was going to happen.

They watched the show for a while, until the episode ended and Chuuya realized that Dazai hadn't made any sound for a while. She was shocked to find that Dazai was out completely cold, probably due to the all-nighters she liked to pull to study for tests last minute. Chuuya's just surprised it took this long.

Hey, she could probably make a pretty buck selling photos of the school's second-biggest hottie sleeping! (Second, because obviously, Chuuya was the first.)

She whipped out her phone and took an unsteady photo of Dazai that was a little blurry at the edges, focusing only on Dazai. Chuuya frowned. Dazai could have done better than this. She would have taken a beautiful photo of Chuuya that would have men salivating at the image.

Oh well. Men would still act like goddamned dogs towards anything Dazai-related anyways, so there was no point in trying. She squinted her eyes to see the tiny image. Dazai's long brown hair was swept across her face and her longer bangs framed her dusty pink cheeks, the longer hair tucked back into her ear.

She was lying on the edge of the couch, laying her head onto her entire arm, which was bound to make her fall asleep eventually. Dazai's eyelashes seemed naturally long, and her plush pink lips were slightly open. How would they feel against Chuuya's? She touched her lips.

Soft maybe, if they really kissed, Chuuya's sure that they would bleed with how chapped they were. She'd be able to taste the iron in it, but maybe it'd taste like honey too, considering it was Dazai's.

Goddammit. Chuuya slapped a hand over her face, mortified. She turned bright pink and ran out of the room, her phone forgotten on the couch. Chuuya would definitely be saving that for personal reasons. It was not escaping her phone into anyone else's.

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