Chapter 7: After the Pokemon battle.

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Made in June 14, 2024, 6:08 PM
Finished in June 16, 2024, 11:53 AM

As our hero finished her Pokemon battle with the little girl, she immediately went to the Pokemon center to heal her Pokemons but then, something went wrong between her Pokemons.

Yumemi's POV


The Pokemon battle was over.

Thank goodness the little girl only has two Pokemons.. that has super-effective moves against Espio and also type advantage.

So yeah.. I got handed my money, a lot before immediately rushed to the Pokemon center.

I walked in and went to the counter where Nurse Joy is.

"Hello, can you heal up my Pokemons?" I asked, feeling impatient.

"Sure! Just take a moment as I heal them up!" said Nurse Joy, being kind as always.

She took my two Pokemons and heads to a room where she heals the Pokemons.

I decided to wait by buying some Pokeballs, potions and revives.

I bought six Pokeballs, two dozens of potions and ten revives.

As I did, Nurse Joy came out with my two Pokemons, all healed up and I was grateful.

"There, your Pokemons have been healed! But I have a question.." said Nurse Joy, sounding a bit suspicious.

"Uhm.. sure. What do you want to ask me?" I asked with a hint of curiousity.

"Well, I noticed that you have these Pokemons and I think that you stole them so I'm gonna ask you this, did you steal them?" said Nurse Joy, being suspicious of me.

"Oh, I didn't steal them. It's just that they like being out of their Pokeballs.." I lied, hoping that Nurse Joy falls for it.

"Hmm.. I seen a trainer that has a Pikachu out of its Pokeball all the time so I believe you." said Nurse Joy, falling for the lie.

"Oh, okay. Well then, I'll be taking my Pokemons and we're off!" I said before quickly leaving the Pokemon center.

As I did, Espio and Floyd was confused.

"Uhm, Yumemi? Why did you just leave the Pokemon center that quickly?" Espio asked.

"Oh, didn't you hear Nurse Joy?" I replied.

"I did but what was the big deal?" Espio asked again.

"Well, I haven't even catched you guys since.. well, you guys asked to be my Pokemons so.. I'm afraid that I need to catch you first, just in case if someone figures out that you guys are technically not my Pokemons." I explained, hoping that they'll understand.

"Alright, fine." Floyd said, annoyed that he has to be captured in a Pokeball.

"Okay in three, two, one and zero!" I said before catching Espio and Floyd with two Pokeballs.

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