Chapter 6: Pokemon Journeys.

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Made in June 13, 2024, 7:58 AM
Finished in June 13, 2024, 6:43 PM

(A/N: I think this is a picture I found on Google.)

As our hero starts her journey and ventures through the forest, realization strucks again that she's in the series of Pokemon Journeys. She also gets to have a Pokemon battle for the first time.

Yumemi's POV

First time starting a journey.. by myself and my Pokemons..

I feel something that I can't even describe..

I never started a journey by myself.

But here am I, starting a journey with my Pokemons.

And I thought Pokemon was fiction!

Haha! Silly me..

As me and my Pokemons venture through the forest, I felt as anxiety filled my mind. I hummed a song that I like so I can make myself feel better. As I hum, my Pokemons enjoyed it. We eventually made it to the town.

"Finally! We made it through the forest and now we're at town!" I said, suddenly feeling excited.

"Yeah. We have made it to town." Floyd said.

"Hey Yumemi? Can I be on your shoulder? I'm tired." Espio asked, feeling a bit tired from venturing through the forest.

"Sure, Espio!" I said, being cheerful as usual.

I let Espio onto my shoulder and now, onwards we go!

I walked with Floyd as Espio sleeps on my shoulder and we walked around the town to explore!

As we kept walking around, seeing so many things..

The town seems very familiar..

Too familiar..


"Uhh, Yumemi? Are you okay?" Floyd asked, feeling concerned about me.

"Oh, yeah. I'm okay." I lied, in hopes that Floyd would take it as a reason.

"Hmm, I'll believe you for now." Floyd said, seemingly taking the lie.

"Phew- Wait.." I said before realizing something and panicked.

"What? Is there something wrong?" Floyd asked, confused on why am I suddenly panicking.

"We don't have any money.." I replied, feeling stupid that I don't even have money.

"You can just battle some trainers or help someone like a police officer to get money, you know?" Floyd said, still confused on why am I even panicking about no money.

".. What. Why didn't I think about that.. " I said, feeling completely embarrassed.

"I don't know." Floyd sighed.

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