The Royal Scientist

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Sowei City.

Capital of the newly formed, Central-European country of Soweiland and the home of the heroes of the Sowei Revolution, now promoted to Sowei High Councilmen.

It was Wednesday, the first one since the establishment of the Kingdom of Soweiland, and the High Council was having its first weekly session.

"Alright everyone, let's start. Soweiland High Council session Uno, Council Chairman for today is moi, let's take attendance." Leo started saying, then pulled out a list and started reading.

"King guy himself..."

"I'm here." Lucius firmly stated.

"Awesome, Prime Minister, that's me I'm here, Royal Guard captain?"

"Present!" O'Lop said and saluted.

"Awesome, Minister of Science and Development, we don't have one... Minister of Defense?"

"Right here." Said General Starman.

"Wonderful, External Affairs?"

"I have dinner plans." Geowar said.

"What? It's the morning you moron! Whatever, Minister of Internal Affairs and also prison warden and also castle guard...? Why did you take so many jobs?"

"I hate my life." Nick told nobody on particular.

"That much is apparent. And finally Minister of Civilian Protection which we also do not have. Great! Hey is anyone writing all this?"


"Hey Nick, catch!" Leo called Nick and tossed a notebook at his face.

"I'm gonna need a-" Nick tried to say before a pen also hit his face. "Thanks."

"So now we can start. What do you guys have to say from your departments?"

"I want a raise." Nick said, now writing in the notebook.

"You're the one who chose to take five jobs! You're not getting squat!"

"It's my duty to-"

"Protect the King and his heirs, we know. You've told us fifty times. Get a life, buddy! Anyone else."

"I want to start recruiting for the army." O'Lop said.

"Yeah, the army also needs guns. And we need to get some ships." Starman added.

"Whoa hold on, what do we need a navy for? Or an army for that matter."

"Well, our neighbours aren't exactly allies to us." O'Lop said.

"I told Francis I'd beat him up if he did anything sketchy!"

"What about Italy? And Switzerland?"

"Don't worry guys." Geowar reassured them. "I have a meeting scheduled with my Swiss counterpart next week, it's under control."

"Didn't Italy have claims on our islands or something?" Nick asked.

"Don't worry about that." Lucius said. "Edward had a meeting with them and made them drop it."

"I adore that guy." Leo said. "Moving on, I think we have enough funds to start a small recruitment campaign, but we only have enough guns for 1000 guys at best."

"Oh speaking of guys, Nick, I'll need to you to start surveying our citizens. We need an approximate population." Lucius said.

"Isn't that the Civilian Protection guy's thing? Why do I have to do it?"

"We're not asking you to protect them you idiot, we're asking you to count them!" Leo told him.

"Fine, fine. I'll do it." Nick conceded.

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