Black Island Mafia

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Hey, before you start reading, I highly recommend you read Tales of Soweiland: Sowei Revolution's final chapter, "Aaron Knoxx: The Enforcer", otherwise this chapter will be very difficult to understand. Thanks in advance, cheers!


Among the 9 islands gifted to the new Sowei State by Francis Gaspar, the current King of Austria, is a very elusive one.

Black Island.

The second-to-last island from the shore of mainland Soweiland, home to some of the most hardened criminals and sketchy backdoor businesses in all of eastern Europe.

Currently ruling the island is the criminal organisation known to most simply as the Black Island Mafia. Currently they have a visitor, who is none other than Francis Gaspar himself, leading the operation to relocate all the Austrian Citizens back to the mainland.

Being informed of all the commotion at the docks, the leader of the Black Island Mafia, the Big Tony Tuscan himself arrives to greet his guest.

"So..." He says when he spots Francis. "Pops dies and now his sonny comes here in person to deal with the 'problem'?" He asks the man, smirking.

"It's already been dealt with, Tony. And by dealt with, I obviously mean it's not my problem anymore; your operation is on Soweiland soil." Francis explained, returning the smirk. Tony had stopped smiling.

"So ya just up and ditched me? After all the agreements we made with your old man?" Tony asked, distraught.

"I never liked you that much Lil Tony." Francis mocks the imposing man. "On and your citizenship?" He says as he pulls out a paper and a  lit matchstick. "Whoops!"

In a matter of seconds, the paper goes up in flames and turns to ash.

"Obviously you can tell your big guys that their citizenships are also gone. I just didn't have enough matches to burn all of them here."

"You don't wanna mess with me, little guy. I can ask for your head and I'll have it stuffed with rice and veggies by next week!" Tony threatened him.

"Oh, enough with the empty threats! Think positively for once in your miserable life! Now instead of me, the people in charge of the country are inexperienced soldiers. You're moderately smart, you'll figure something out."

Tony simply looked at the blue waters in the distance and pondered.

"I wish you bad luck Tony! Hopefully you'll finally meet your match!" Francis shouted as his boat started and he left the island, eventually disappearing into the distance and leaving the mob boss with his thoughts.

"Heh. I can work with dat." Tony said to himself as he looked at the leaving boat going into the sunset.

7 days later...

Aaron Knoxx, the Enforcer, and his buddies Carter Jeeves and Craig had just arrived in the Soweiland port town, Pastel.

"So, Craig, you said you'd be picked up by that weirdo company?" Aaron asked.

"Yeah." Craig said.

"Well, I think I see your ride dude. It's been fun. See ya round!" Aaron said as Craig turned around to see a ginormous dark gray ship with a big red 'A' logo plastered everywhere.

"Yeah!" Craig said, and started running towards the giant battleship.

"What about you Jeeves, where you going now?" Aaron asked the remaining person.

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